Zach and Karin Foust Sr. Prayer Letter: Remembering the Blessings of the Past YearWe love this time of year as we look back and remember the blessings and opportunities that the Lord gave during the year. As we review the year 2023, we cannot help but see God’s hand working here in Peru. We are thrilled to have a part in the ministry here, and we are so grateful for each of you who partner with us through prayer and support. Of course, many of you support us through a monthly donation given by your church. Each month we review the names of individuals and churches who faithfully give to keep us serving on the field here, and we thank the Lord for you.

Many of you also give love offerings to Amazon Outreach. Amazon Outreach is a fund that helps us reach new villages in the Amazon with the Gospel and the water-treatment system invented by John Hays, and it also helps us conduct training sessions, institute classes, Family Conferences, and other evangelistic and discipleship training in the jungle and other parts of Peru. Thank you so much to each of you who give! We were able to take 18 trips this past year! Each trip requires a great deal of planning, purchasing of plane and boat tickets, lodging, food, Bibles, water systems, tracts, discipleship booklets, books, and other resources, such as Sunday school materials and music. More than 2,000 people were saved on these trips, many were baptized, churches were edified, and pastors were trained and encouraged. We strive to be a blessing wherever we go, and we ask that you pray for this end throughout the next year.

November was a busy and blessed month. We began the month with our big evangelistic outreach on the Day of the Dead. IBI Surco, which is the church we now pastor, had more than 60 soul winners out to visit the Nueva Esperanza Cemetery and witness to the many thousands of people visiting the graves of their loved ones. Our 2 churches saw nearly 300 people trust Christ!

It is great to see both churches doing well here! God is really blessing with many new converts and people in the discipleship programs. Also, we are holding a marriage class in our institute this semester and are encouraged to see many marriages being strengthened.

Please pray for our upcoming Christmas events, including evangelistic events and cantatas. We are thankful for Jesus’ birth and for the good news of salvation!

As always, we thank you for your many prayers and for your support. Have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year.

His for souls,

Zach and Karin Foust