Fisa Mihy-mihyndu Prayer Letter: Necessity Is Laid Upon MeIt is written, “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” (I Corinthians 9:16) Many years ago in Atlanta, Georgia, the Winecoff Hotel caught fire, and119 people lost their lives. Many of them leaped from the windows but were killed as their bodies crashed on the pavement or fell into power lines and treetops. They preferred anything to burning. The fires of Hell are as real as were the fires of the Winecoff Hotel. However, in Hell there are no windows to leap from. There are millions of people today who are in danger of Hellfire. Many of them are in our neighborhoods, families, and communities. Verily, necessity is laid on us to reach those precious souls with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Soul Winning

I had the great privilege to serve the Lord with some of the most dedicated, faithful, selfless, loving, godly, and sold-out Christians I know at Lighthouse Baptist Church. I served with the Bus Ministry, choir, nursing home, men’s prayer meeting, Christian school, preaching, visitations, etc. I also had the opportunity to go soul winning on numerous occasions and saw 10 precious souls receive Jesus Christ as Saviour through a clear presentation of the Gospel. I remember Luis sharing with me about informing his wife about his newly found Christian faith during one of my follow-ups. He has been planning on bringing his wife to church with him. While soul winning with Brother Greg, I saw him lead Ingrid, a young mother, to the Lord. She had a strong Catholic upbringing and was initially unwilling to listen to us. As she was about to close her door, the Holy Spirit caught her attention. As Brother Greg graciously reasoned out of the Scriptures, showing her that salvation was solely dependent on complete faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, it finally dawned on her that she could no longer rely on her good works, and tears welled up in her eyes. She bowed her head and trusted Christ as Saviour. Glory to God! Please pray that God uses her to share her faith with her husband and children. Please pray for her, as she is reluctantly considering to come to church with her family.


While attending a Missions Conference at Lee’s Chapel Baptist Church in Gardendale, Alabama, Brother Lang and I went soul winning and were used of God to see 2 siblings receive Jesus Christ as Saviour. Isn’t God so good?! The Bible states that the woman of Samaria went into her city and told them about Jesus. Many of her people believed on Jesus Christ eventually (John 4:39). God has not changed. Perhaps a similar outcome could come from these 2 siblings—even if it is on a smaller scale.

Between December 22 and January 31, God allowed me to travel to 12 states—Nevada, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Louisiana—visit 10 churches, and get 4 new supporting churches. God is so good! Glory to God! He has been so faithful and gracious to me in meeting my needs every step of the way.

Bible Project

God has already allowed me to raise $1,960 for the Bible project. Thank you very much for your faithful prayers and financial support! Gabon is now one more step closer to being preached the Gospel, receiving the pure Word of God, and being grounded in the truths of the Bible.

That all everywhere may here,

Brother Fisa Mihy-mihyndu


1. 10 souls saved
2. $1,960 raised for the Bible project
3. Safety on the road
4. Physical health
5. 4 new supporting churches

Prayer Needs

1. Souls to be saved
2. Discipling new converts
3. Wisdom
4. Continued spiritual growth
5. Laborers
6. Safety on the road
7. Physical health