Eddie and Misty Wilson Prayer Letter: 2nd Annual Limits ConferenceIn February, we hosted our 2nd Annual Limits Conference. It was an amazing conference, with our attendance doubling from last year and messages and presentations from pastors, missionaries, and businessmen that challenged us to do more for the Gospel’s sake. Also, the connections that were made with like-minded people, who push us and encourage us to do more in new and exciting ways, are invaluable!

We were so excited to have Tim Tebow as our keynote speaker this year. His testimony for loving others and reaching the lost was sincere, convicting, and truly unforgettable.

One of the most amazing things that happened was seeing people pledge not only to donate money but also to push their businesses to do more so that they can make a bigger impact for Christ. We were able to raise a significant amount of money that will go directly to projects we have ready around the world.

We rolled out a new nonprofit organization, called Impact Others, that will tag team with Christian Media International and its partners. A few things Impact Others will be providing and assisting with will be helping to build and fund orphanages, providing clean water, and providing possible business opportunities for families who need a little help getting started. We believe we can make a huge impact all around the world in these new opportunities that have opened up to us. We could not turn a blind eye to them; therefore, Impact Others was born!


CMI was able to help Babatunde, a single woman in Nigeria who desired to start a company that would help widows of the church and those around the church. One hundred twenty women attended the very first meetings Babatunde held, and 12 of them made professions of faith!


CMI is currently in the process of helping build a church, studio, and Bible college in India. The Bible college will open on July 4, 2023. We are anticipating 80 students. It is an exciting opportunity to train nationals for the work of the ministry! The college and seminary had 29 graduates recently. They will be involved in church planting and teaching in India and Burma.


• Since March 1, our social media presence in Peru has started to take off! Over 56,000 people have watched and/or interacted with our posts.
• There have been 114 people who have written in saying they’ve accepted Christ.
• Another 51 people have written to us in search of a church in Perú.
• Still another 52 have written to us in search of more information about salvation.

Thank you so much for your continued support. Opportunities for CMI and Impact Others are exploding around the world. We are excited to see God moving and are thankful we can work together to walk through these open doors!

Eddie Wilson
Christian Media International