Dennis Lagos Prayer Letter:  The “Be Cool” UpdateI trust that you are enjoying time with family and friends during this busy holiday season. We have certainly been busy with several meetings during these last two months. We had the privilege of being a part of two missions conferences, both in North Carolina, and had an opportunity to travel to Georgia for a meeting, where we enjoyed a great time of soul winning and fellowship. Then lastly, we traveled to Montana for meetings.

While in North Carolina, I enjoyed visiting the Marine base in Jacksonville, where I learned to shoot skeet with my Marine friends from the church we were visiting. We also had the privilege of canvassing the neighborhoods. My wife had the unique opportunity of leading a young lady to the Lord who happened to be their waitress when my wife was out with our host family. We also had the unique opportunity to be in Downtown Raleigh for the We Stand With God Rally. There we had the exciting chance to do street soul winning and, by God’s grace, won a man to the Lord who was introduced to us by another man I had previously witnessed to. Though he was not ready to accept the Lord, he instead told his friend that he needed to listen to us, and his friend received the Lord as his Saviour!

We have certainly enjoyed being “home” in North Carolina, and the highlight of our visit was the honor of being a part of our home church’s missions conference. We were welcomed home and loved. They spoiled us with special gifts. We are so grateful for our home/sending church. We love them dearly.

Montana was great fun! We loved the snow and the scenic beauty of the “Big Sky Country.” We praise God for the dear friends we made and for the church that was able to take us on for support. We thank God for the opportunity of soul winning there and leading a blind man to “see” the saving grace of our Lord. God directed us to meet and lead two young Blackfoot Native Americans to the Lord during a snowstorm; they had driven from 200 miles away just to do shopping.

Please continue to pray for our travels and meetings. Pray for the continued open doors to share the Gospel. We are asking prayer for a special Christmas for the refugees at our home church. Pray God will use us to reach the many new Muslim families that have arrived, as well as the other nationalities. We are so grateful for our supporters and praying friends. Thank you so much for your sacrifice and love for your missionaries. We pray God to bless you in a special way during this wonderful season, because Jesus is the reason for the season. To God be the glory!

In Christ’s service,

Dennis and Holly Lagos

“Be cool; pray for Bicol!”