Dave Solt Prayer Letter:  An Amazing Sunday at ChurchBaptism

Recently we had an amazing Sunday at church, with 106 people in the Sunday morning attendance. At the end of the service, we enjoyed baptizing 4 of our church people. One of them was Harold Levy. Harold is in his 80s and is Jewish by birth. His family came from Poland just before World War II to flee the persecution. Last year I had the privilege to share the Gospel with Harold, and he prayed to accept Christ for Heaven. It’s a joy to have Harold faithfully attending our Sunday morning services, and I love to say “Shalom” as he makes his way out of church.

More Discipleship

We have been working diligently in our discipleship program. Thanks to the First Baptist Church of Hammond, we have been actively teaching the “Foundations of Our Faith” series to men in my office, and it is certainly stirring up excitement. I also taught the whole series in our Wednesday night Bible study. It was very well received!

Soul Winning

One of the results of focused Bible study is a desire to see new people saved. This is happening over here! So far, we have had 57 visitors in our services and 34 saved through our soul-winning and evangelistic efforts. It is a thrill to now have a building to use as a meeting place throughout the week to train people in the greatest of all efforts, and that is the salvation of souls.

Praises and Requests

Many thanks for your prayers as we have gone through this year so far. Our church is growing, as visitors have visited practically every week. People are being saved and joining Bible studies and discipleship courses, and as we have mentioned, we have had blessings of baptisms with over 100 in attendance. For Easter we had over 120!

Please continue to pray for Mary Beth’s mom, Nyna Kaminer. She suffers from congestive lung and heart diseases due to many years of an autoimmune disease. Mary Beth is with her for a few days to help her, as she is seriously ill.

As the months have continued, we have seen a consistency in financial support. Thanks for your prayers and help in our ministry this year. We will endeavor to continue this needy work to reach a vital country for the cause of Christ since we began our work for God in 1993.

Yours for souls,

The Solt Family
Dave & Mary Beth, Daniel, Joshua, & Jeremy