Darrell Ratcliff Prayer Letter: We Must Reach Them With the Gospel!We wanted to say thank you so much for your prayers. God’s grace and help are always sufficient. His mercies are new every morning.  Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us, and we truly can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth us!

We were able to finish up our trip to Southern Mexico in Cancun and Campeche; and, praise the Lord, around 777 more people trusted Christ as their Saviour. By the way, thank you so much for praying for our trailer situation. When we returned to our home, we were finally able to get our trailer back; and, praise the Lord, there was no damage done to the trailer or to any of the equipment inside that we use for evangelistic campaigns. Unfortunately, however, we had to pay around US$400 to get it back. We have actually left on another trip now but have been assured by the authorities that our trailer will be safe and fine. But being in a foreign country, we are not completely assured of anything, so we would ask for your prayers for us personally and for the equipment that we are using for the furtherance of the Gospel.

Recently in Oaxaca, we were able to get into a public school and preach the Gospel to over 100 kids, with the majority of them trusting Christ as their Saviour. We also saw people saved in Veracruz and Xalapa. However, with the Coronavirus situation, it is very difficult to gather large groups of people as we have done in the past.

I have been encouraging churches lately to ask the Lord to give them ideas to reach people during this difficult time. I mentioned that years ago when my wife was pregnant, she wanted to go soul winning but couldn’t go out of the house. So, I told her to pick up the phone book and call people, telling them that she was calling from the church and praying with people, and then asking them if they had any prayer requests. Then before she would pray with the person, she would say, “I would like to share something with you that changed my life,” and she would share the Gospel of Christ. Many of those people trusted Christ as their Saviour. So, there are always ways for us to give the Gospel to other people. We just have to ask the Lord to show us different ways to give the Gospel, by giving us wisdom and ideas about how to do it. I think we should always have good Gospel tracts with us to give to people or to leave in certain locations, no matter where we may be. Maybe we can send letters, texts, emails, and use different means to share the Gospel with others. People are very concerned during this difficult time, and we must reach them with the Gospel.

May God give us all His grace in a special way during this time, as we strive to do all to the glory of Christ, reaching precious souls with the Gospel. Please pray for God’s power, protection, and provision for my family and for our ministry.

Yours for souls,

Darrell Ratcliff
Philippians 4:13