thumbnail of Dan Siemer July 2023 Prayer LetterWe wrote just a month ago to seek prayer support for the upcoming trips to Peru and Guatemala. Because you folks have supported us financially, we know that you surely prayed and that your prayers were effective. So, you deserve a timely update regarding your spiritual investment.

After six intense months of prayer and preparation, God granted a very fruitful trip to Peru. There He blessed meetings with a new friend, Pastor Douglas from Iquitos, who helped me to better grasp the needs of the region. After preaching in churches on Sunday, the team fully gathered from churches in Lima, North Carolina, Iquitos, and many other locations on Sunday evening to coordinate and pray. The next morning, we all traveled by boat to Indiana, a major village downriver on the Amazon, to split into five groups to travel by smaller boats to other villages in the area to give water-purification units and to preach the Gospel. Meanwhile, I met with several key people and a doctor to better understand their situation in preparation for the conference to follow. We went soul winning and passed out flyers for an evening meeting there in Indiana, and God enabled us to lead 300 people to the Lord that day. I’ll not soon forget leading 3 men to Christ. Returning at night to Iquitos by river was quite an experience! After hitting a floating log and later meeting the river police, we arrived safely about midnight.

Then it was a joy to serve with the team from Tuesday through Thursday for the conference. We had sessions for pastors, lay leaders, ladies, teens, and children. My part was to serve the Village Health Promoters from the region with advanced first-aid training and translating for CPR training as well. Despite getting sick, the Lord enabled me to care for all my duties before leaving. God granted another 450 saved on these final 3 days, and He gave me a better understanding of the needs of the health promoters and a heart to serve their vast community across the 5,000 villages of Loreto.

Even though I was still sick, God blessed the next trip to Guatemala to serve Missionary Dan Wilder, his family, and their church for their Missions Conference. It was great to see the packed auditorium for every service and to sense the heart the people have to obey the Great Commission by winning souls, training leaders, and planting churches. The steady progress on their construction is powerful evidence of God’s blessing on the ministry as a whole and the members individually.

Thank you again for your prayers and financial support. We thank God for His mercy and grace, enabling us to continue to serve, and for His joy in the journey. “For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.” (Romans 9:15-16)

That all might hear, everywhere,

Dan and Lana Siemer