Dan and Gerri Johnson Prayer Letter: Busy as Ever, Serving the LordIn our last letter, we had asked for prayer for Dennis, who was traveling back to his hometown to witness to his family members because he was burdened for them. Although none of his family accepted the Lord, he was able to lead two other people to the Lord. Continue to pray for his family; pray that the seed that was sown will bear fruit and they will be saved.

Things have been going very well here in Brazil. We are as busy as ever—preaching, teaching in the Bible institute, counseling, soul winning, etc. Attendance has been good, with visitors coming and several attending our New Members’ Class.

Please pray for our 8th Anniversary Conference on September 23 & 24. The guest speaker will be a pastor I led to the Lord back in 1976 when he was a young person.

On the day we left, the church’s young people traveled to a Youth Conference. We pray that many will be challenged to dedicate their lives completely to serve the Lord and draw closer to Him.

We just had another adventure. On Thursday, we flew to Rondonia, a state northwest of us. I will be doing a weeklong Creation Conference, and Gerri will be doing a chalk talk and speaking at a Ladies’ Meeting on Tuesday. The two flights themselves were uneventful, but we arrived minus one suitcase (the one with all of Gerri’s clothes). They traced the suitcase, but since there are not daily flights to this part of Brazil, we will not receive it until Sunday afternoon. We borrowed an outfit from another missionary here and will wash things out daily until the suitcase arrives. At least we know it is found and on its way!

In His service,

Dan & Gerri Johnson