Courtney Godsoe Prayer Letter:  Faith Promise Giving TripledThe Lord has blessed our efforts during the months of January and February, with 750 souls trusting Christ as Saviour.

One of the areas that I’m excited about is our church’s missions giving. Since our Faith Promise Conference last September, our missions giving has more than tripled from an approximately $240 per month to approximately $780 per month!

Many of our young people made decisions during a recent youth rally preached by Pastor Dean Miller from Central Baptist Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, including one of our faithful young men surrendering to preach. His parents, Jojo and Riza Abian, who have been in our church for 11 years, are excited, as they have a daughter Kim, who has graduated medical school, a son Kevin, who is in law school, a son Koko, who is near to finishing his engineering degree, and now a son Kyle, who has surrendered to be a preacher. Kyle is still in high school and is also attending our evening Bible institute.

God has given us a tremendous open door with the Philippine National Police. Police General Elmer Sillador, the superintendent in charge of our region, which includes five provinces (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon Provinces) has declared that he wants a God-centered police force and has instituted a program for them called “My Brother’s Keeper” (MBK). MBK is basically a discipleship program for squad leaders. The squad leaders are to pray with their teams (consisting of four police officers besides themselves) and teach Christian values for one hour each week. They are to carry out that responsibility under the supervision of a pastor or mature Christian called a “Values Coach.” The curriculum they are required to use was written by a Baptist pastor. I posted a video on the videos link of our church’s Facebook page ( or search for Providence Baptist Church) entitled “SPO2 Landicho, Teaching My Brother’s Keeper.” SPO2 Landicho is the squad leader I coach/disciple.

We were able to buy a piece of property two years ago and, since then, have raised $20,000 to build our church facilities. With another $30,000 (total of $50,000), we believe we would be able to complete enough of the building to move in. With another $50,000 (total of $70,000), we should be able to finish the building.

Around the same time that we purchased the property, I talked with the owners of the facilities we are renting, and they agreed to lower the rent from approximately $1,300 per month to $1,200 per month and said they would not raise it for two years. The two years will be up this April, and we expect the rent to increase to around $1,500. If we could move into to our own facilities, it would be a tremendous help.
Pastor Dean Noonan and his church would like to help us raise the needed money and are willing to match, dollar for dollar, up to $25,000 for donations received by May 31. If you would like to speak with Pastor Noonan personally, his number is 414-301-9319. If $25,000 was given and matched, that would be the $50,000 we are raising! I am so excited about this and would really appreciate it if you could help out with any amount.

Thank you all so much for sacrificing to keep us in this amazing white harvest field.

Yours for souls,

Courtney & Ester Godsoe