Courtney and Ester Godsoe Prayer Letter: Off to a Great Start in 2024!We praise the Lord for a great start in 2024. During January and February, we saw 1,420 precious souls profess faith in Christ.

My sincere apologies for the tremendous gap between prayer letters last year. After looking into it, I found that our proofreader at FBMI did not receive my prayer letters and, when I looked into it, I found that I had used the wrong email address. I know how extremely important prayer letters are, and I sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding.

It was nice to have four preachers from the States and Canada preach at our church during January and February. Pastor Bryan Johnston from Toronto, Canada, visited us with his daughter Jessica and her friend Lilian. Bro. Johnston preached our Youth Revival, and it was wonderful to see the Holy Spirit working powerfully in the hearts of our young people. Many decisions were made for the Lord. Pastor Johnston was also able to preach at a local jail—44 inmates and 1 officer trusted Christ. I love to show off the Philippines to my friends. It’s such an amazing place to go soul winning!

Pastor Marty Stalnaker, a former missionary to Nicaragua who is now a pastor in Mabscott, West Virginia, preached at our church the Wednesday after our Youth Revival, and again, our people were strengthened and greatly encouraged.

Fourteen folks from our church attended the annual Philippine School of Ministry (PSM), hosted by churches in the States, in the province of Bulacan, just north of Manila. We were challenged and exhorted to do more for the Lord. Praise the Lord for Spirit- filled preaching and teaching.

Two of the speakers for PSM, Pastor Ken Anderson from Moultrie, Georgia, and Evangelist Oliver Araiza from Parkersburg, West Virginia, preached at our church the Sunday before PSM. God blessed in a great way. This is the first time we’ve had four guest speakers in the space of two months. It was refreshing, especially for me, to hear good old-fashioned preaching.

Praise the Lord, we were able to purchase an almost-new (2023), 18-passenger Mitsubishi L300. Of course, “18” is the official capacity, but we all know it’s a lot more here in the Philippines.  A very special thanks to those who helped with this purchase.

Thank you all so very much to your love, prayers, friendship, and financial support to keep us in this amazing harvest field! We are grateful beyond words. Thank you again for your patience with our prayer letters.

Yours for souls,

Courtney & Ester Godsoe

FBMI Missionary Courtney Godsoe Prayer Letter Picture

Our almost-new (2023), 18-passenger Mitsuibishi L300 van