Corey McDonald Prayer Letter: The Great MigrationJambo from California! Kenya is the destination point for thousands of animals each year. These animals travel in packs or herds. They travel thousands of miles to the lush plains of the Masai Mara. Here they feed and hydrate from the Mara River. Once they are full, they return home. If separated from the herd, the chances of making the trip alone are slim. In August we began our migration from East to West. We traveled thousands of miles to present in over 20 church services. Through our travels, we knew we were never alone, but accompanied by the prayers of dozens of you, our herd. Thank you!

We have had a great couple of months, with souls saved, churches desiring to partner with us, and people surrendering to God’s call to missions. In Washington we had a great conference with a wonderful church. While there I had the opportunity to go door knocking nearly every day. While out on Tuesday, my son and I were able to speak with a young lady with her toddler son. While her son was eating, I was able to give Cheyenne the Gospel, and she accepted Christ. She gave me the address of her father in-law, which I was able to pass along to the pastor for follow-up. I was also able to knock on the door of a young man in his early twenties, who was searching for God. He had been attending a Bible study with some friends but was not going to church. He seemed familiar with the Bible but did not have an understanding of the penalty for sin. I showed him that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. He made the statement that God would give everyone a chance to go to Heaven. I agreed with and showed him from the Bible how Christ died for all, and that whosoever called upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. He realized that He needed to call upon Christ to save him. David called on Christ for salvation. Praise the Lord!!

On our way south into California, we blew a tire on our trailer. This is one of many trials God has used to stretch us and to allow us the opportunity to give someone a chance to hear about Christ. There were only a few places that sold tires in the area, and only one had a tire similar to the size that we needed. We had to disconnect the trailer, take the tire off, and drive about 15 minutes to get a new tire. As I said, the tire size was similar to what we already had, not exactly the same. The new tire was wider than the original. When we got back to the trailer, we were unable to lift the trailer high enough to get the new tire on. All I had was the car jack, which wasn’t sufficient. As I was trying to lift the trailer up, my wife tried to put the tire on, and we couldn’t do it alone. God supplied help! As we were struggling, a man who lived right there came home and asked if he could help.

As I got back in the car, it hit me that I hadn’t even give him a tract. We pulled away and didn’t get but a few hundred feet when the new tire was smoking. It was rubbing up against the side of the trailer. I only knew one person in the area, so I turned around and found the man’s house. Before we left, I gave the man a tract and explained that this is why we were traveling. He retired at 45 and now grows and sells marijuana. He was a nice man but obviously lost. I pray that he reads the tract and accepts Christ.

God allowed us to make it to our destination. The pastor helped get the trailer repaired for safe travel. He paid for a new axle to be put on for proper weight distribution and for new bearings. Praise the Lord that no one was hurt from the blown tire and that someone had an opportunity to receive the Gospel!

In closing, we are excited to announce that a new FBMI website is up and running! It is much smoother to access, and you can even SEND OUR SUPPORT ONLINE with the donate button! Check it out at!

Fellow servants for Christ,

Corey McDonald and Family to East Africa