Christopher Yetzer Prayer Letter: Tracts at WorkNormally we have three weekly Bible studies with church members, aside from our normal gathering with “all the family.” My wife has one study with a lady, and I have one with some Africans and one with a Peruvian family. We have transitioned to using “Teaching All Nations” for most of these lessons. It is a discipleship program designed to guide the disciple into creating doctrine in their hearts by using guided Bible verses to answer questions. You can find out more about the program at

In August a lady came to visit our church; she had with her a tract which she had been handed between three and four years ago. She had kept the tract in a drawer at her house and finally decided to come. Unfortunately, she came on a day when others were out of town, and our attendance was very low. She has not been back to church, although we had a nice conversation the last time our paths crossed (she lives close to our apartment).

Every year it seems like the Lord adds to our church during the Christmas season. Two years ago it was Silvia; last year it was Jessica and Joel, and this year He is a bit early. Saturday, November 19, my son and I went out soul winning for a couple hours, followed by some basketball. We finished the day walking home and talking about our hopes for visitors the following day. However, those hopes were not very high. We hadn’t had any promises or even reason to believe that someone might come from those we spoke with. Sunday came, and just as we thought, there were no new visitors. However, Sunday evening I got a call from a young lady who was given a tract on Saturday and wanted to visit our church. Then Friday I got a call from another lady who had been given a tract on the same day and wanted to visit our church. Both of them came to church the following week and haven’t missed since. Praise the Lord!

Our family is doing well. The kids are excited for the holidays, and Amy and the baby are doing well. We also have another pregnant woman (Erika) in our church, who is unfortunately having more difficulties. Please pray for both of them and the babies. We are grateful and humbled by your faithfulness and love for our family, that even during times of great expense and little money, you remember us who are so many miles away. Merry Christmas, and have a blessed start to 2017.

Missionaries to the people of Italy,

Christopher, Amy, William, AnnMarie, & Baby Yetzer