Christopher Yetzer Prayer Letter:  Good News From Chicago to Milano!Former

About 10 years ago when I was the captain of a bus route in Chicago, we knocked on the door of the Williams family on West 25th Street. Every Sunday morning the mom had her four youngest children dressed in the nicest clothes and standing outside the house ready to go to church. Gabriel, Michael, Alberto, and Rosa came to church just about every week. There were times when they were the only ones from our entire route who would come to church. It seemed that slowly Chicago got the better of the older two, but the mom guarded Alberto and Rosa and tried to protect them from the streets. Alberto and Rosa went into the Christian school called City Baptist. Glory and praise to God! This May 3, Alberto graduated from City Baptist and is now preparing to go to Hyles-Anderson College!


A faithful deacon from a supporting church in Alaska recently came to visit us and brought with him a missionary from Bulgaria. What a great time of encouragement this was. I was able to reap from their years of experience as ministers of the Gospel and as fathers. During one morning we met a young man from Nigeria named Chris. Chris was looking for money for his family to eat, but he found more than just a couple euros to buy some bread with; he found the Bread of Life. He reminded me of the story in John 4 about the lady at the well who went looking for water but met the Messiah Who could give her living water.

I have met several times with a Muslim man named Sam from Iran. Please pray for this man that the glorious light of the Gospel would shine in his heart and that he would be converted. Also pray for Daphny and several others whom we have met recently from different Charismatic backgrounds. I am not sure if I’ll ever stop being surprised at all the strange beliefs that exist. They could all be leveled out with a solid faith in the Bible, with nothing added to it.


Thank you for your prayers for our family. We have had a bit of some physical hindrances in the previous months. Everything seems to be about under control now; and, of course, it is our belief that everything is really always under control, just not ours. William has already finished second grade and is looking forward to an enjoyable summer. AnnMarie is looking forward to her big brother having more time to play with her and getting to go out and enjoy the weather more often. Thank you for your desire to see the Gospel preached in Italy. We appreciate that you have chosen us to be representatives of your faith in Milan, Italy. May God get the glory due unto His name!

Missionaries to the people of Italy,

Christopher, Amy, William, & AnnMarie Yetzer