Christopher Sage Prayer Letter: A Time of TransitionThank you very much for praying for me during this time of transition, as the Lord is leading me to take a big step forward with the church planting in Mexico.

I was able to have a good, in-person talk with my sending pastor, Dr. Dean Noonan, while I spent four days in the Milwaukee area in October, and it seems the best way to reach the state of Morelos and do the church planting in Mexico would be working with Dr. Luis Ramos in San Luis Potosi. I will be meeting with Pastor Ramirez in Cuernavaca and Dr. Luis Ramos in San Luis Potosi during the first week of November.

It seems that the dental work I have needed has been of the Lord also. I was able to schedule some meetings. I did not realize it, but I do need to raise more support. I have been amazed at how the Lord has filled the schedule. He has given me some good meetings with good prospects of regular, monthly personal support. He has also given some good, productive meetings regarding raising funds for the church planting itself. I was hoping to complete the extensive dental work I need this year, but I will have to come back again next year, which also seems to be of the Lord’s great providence. Next year I will need at least a two-month window of time, and it will give me an opportunity to make some much-needed visits to possible new supporting churches in the United States. I would appreciate your prayers for that also.

I have still been soul winning every day, and it seems the Lord does something special in every meeting. I went out on bus visitation and soul winning at one of my supporting churches on Saturday, September 28, and the Lord led us to a new Spanish-speaking family of eight. The mother and all of them called upon the Lord to save them and came to church the next day. Six of them insisted on following the Lord in believer’s baptism also. Wow! It is awesome to serve the Lord! What a great heavenly Father we have!

November will be very busy, with finalizing exactly how the Lord would have me organize the church planting, find a place to live, and move. I certainly need your prayers more than ever. The possible results of what God could do and the effects on the eternal destiny of countless souls is so powerful that I know our adversary will not be happy about it and do everything he can to thwart it.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support. You really are the hope of the world. I will be praying for you too.

Yours for souls,

Chris Sage