Christopher Sage Prayer Letter: God Is Worthy of Our BestDavid Livingstone once remarked, when enquired of by a would-be missionary as to when roads would be available to join the team, “If you have men who will only come if they know there is a good road, I don’t want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all.”

I would certainly concur that God is worthy of our best, regardless of what it costs. The Lord truly has blessed the 3½ months I have taken to visit churches in the USA to raise more support, but I can hardly wait to get back to Mexico and visit the new church plants. By the time you get this letter, on December 14 to be exact, I will be back in Mexico and visiting the new church in Chihuahua. It is still the greatest privilege and honor to be a missionary and to serve the Lord.

Daily soul winning has still been the rule.

The trip in the United States has taken me from New Mexico to Missouri to the Midwest, a trip to Connecticut for a Missions-Emphasis Sunday, and then back to the Midwest. I have been amazed at the Lord’s provisions as usual! There have been several churches that have been encouraging about regular monthly support. I was not even sure if I could afford the expenses of the trip, but the Lord has surprised me with very generous love offerings.

I have enjoyed meeting a lot of new people and preaching in English quite a bit. I was greatly encouraged by packed-out churches in small towns in Wisconsin and Minnesota, even for midweek services! It gives a sense of hope for the Gospel. Being a part of the Missions Conference in a church that had a great impact on me when I was newly saved was also a great blessing. A visit to my home and sending church in Milwaukee was very encouraging. I got to spend a whole Sunday afternoon with my sending pastor. The Lord seemed to save the best for last with a wonderful visit with the 89-year-old pastor of the church where I got saved in Watertown, Wisconsin.


1. The new church plant in Chihuahua
2. 4th anniversary of new church plant in Angamacutiro, Michoacán, in January
3. Christmas with the children’s home in Guadalajara
4. Finances for the church plants in the future

Yours for souls,

Chris Sage
Missionary to Mexico