Jonathan and Laura Bryan Prayer Letter: New Church PlantOUR PRAISES

We are so thankful that we have seen a number of people return to church services as a result of our Vacation Bible School this past summer. As a result of getting saved, we are now seeing adults who were children in our church years ago, returning to the church and bringing their own children now! These children continue to be faithful and grow even though they come from extremely difficult situations. Please pray for this sister in the middle of the first photo below. Her name is Tomasa. Although extremely poor, she is, by herself, raising at least six of her grandchildren. She has been bringing some of them to church and has a burden for all of them to walk with the Lord. Please pray for her, as she has advanced Type 2 diabetes, and we are trying to find a way to help her with the medicine she needs.


As we mentioned in our last prayer letter, we have a burden to start a new church in a town about 20 minutes outside of the city. The name of the city is Calera. After asking many pastors, I found that there is only one other Baptist church in the area. It seems, however, that it is not very biblically sound, as the pastor claims to know the date that Christ will return, so there is definitely a need in this town. The second picture below is of a building that we are planning on renting to start the new church. Please pray for this new work, as there is a great need to get the message of Christ to the 36,000 souls that live in Calera.

We had planned on starting this church a few months ago, but the area was being controlled by the drug cartels. The week we were going to rent the building, we received the news that two cartels were battling for control of this area. Between where we live and that town, they were burning vehicles and buses on the road. They had also taken over toll booths in our state of Zacatecas. It seems like things have settled down, so we are planning to press on. The only thing we ask for is your prayers on our behalf.


• Please pray that God would show favor on this new church work in Calera.
• Also, pray specifically for God’s protection on us, as well as those who go door-to-door soul winning with us.
• Lastly, we ask that you pray for each of the new believers in the churches down here in Mexico. They still receive much persecution for leaving the Catholic church and embracing Christ as their only hope of salvation.

His servants by His grace,

Jonathan & Laura Bryan