Brian and Liesl George Prayer Letter: People Are Hungry for God and the Gospel!Just recently, I was able to go downtown with my son Benjamin and three other soul winners. We passed out over 1,000 full-color Gospel tracts and 250 QR cards to see what response we would get. We had 18 immediate responses from the QR codes, and 2 made a decision for Christ. The people are hungry for God and the Gospel. Praise the Lord!

During the second week of December, we had our National Pastors’ Conference with Dr. Ezequiel Salazar and other conference speakers. This is our Fires of Evangelism Conference! We had 28 pastors present, and the church was full, with over 420 in attendance. Pastors came from all over Argentina! We gave them a box of tracts and a gift bag with free books and helpful literature for their churches. Many decisions were made at the altar!

On the 22nd of December, we had our Bible college graduation. I had a great time with the students. I preached a message entitled, “Launch Out into the Deep.” I’m super excited that our graduates will start many new churches in the next few years. We continue to go forward by faith. Let’s reach Argentina for Christ!

On the 30th of December, I traveled six hours north to Tilcara, Jujuy, to preach and visit with Pastor Alexis Lima. I preached Saturday night and Sunday morning and then traveled back home so I could be at home before the new year arrived. I was able to take Gospel tracts and Bibles for new converts to the pastors in Jujuy. The churches in Jujuy are growing fast! Praise the Lord!

Thank you for your prayers and support!

Here to serve,

Brian R. George and Family