Brian and Liesl George Prayer Letter: National Pastors' ConferenceI like to write on a regular basis and tell you, our partners, about what is happening here in Argentina! I like to be transparent. Reaching a country or just one individual is a group effort; you have a part in everything that happens. I need for you to rejoice in the Lord!

I was able to go back to Argentina by myself for our National Pastors’ Conference during the first week of December 2022. While I was in Argentina, I got a sore throat, and it was getting worse, taking my voice and my energy away! Even though I was not feeling good, I was able to be at the Fires of Evangelism event in our church here in Tucuman, Argentina. I was able to preach to the men once on Wednesday morning. I was able to help some national pastors with their traveling expenses. We had a total of 38 pastors present this year! Many came from long distances! Thank you for giving! We also had over 90 saved at the church among the first-time visitors. We had a tent this year to accommodate the crowds of people.

At noon on Thursday, I wanted to go out to eat with the conference speakers and go to the best steak house in the city; it is very famous, and the meat melts in your mouth. They have good beef here! I was not feeling good, so I did not go out to eat. Some national pastors needed some counsel, so I stayed at the church and spent time with the national pastors. On Thursday afternoon, I was able to rest for a while at the hotel. On my return to the church, I witnessed to the driver. He refused to charge me for the trip because he was grateful! I was at the church until late Thursday night, which was the last night of the conference! At midnight, I went to the hotel. I got up at 5:00 Friday morning to see Dr. Ezequiel Salazar off at the airport! Then we went to the Hilton Hotel to have breakfast with Dr. John Wilkerson, Pastor Mike Wise, and Bro. Alberto Perez. The Hilton had a buffet breakfast, and we had a great time together. On Monday, December 12, I flew back to the U.S. I was feeling better, and the entire trip went smoothly.

On Sunday, December 18, Argentina played the final game in the World Cup. Everybody in Argentina was watching the game. The streets were empty, and everybody was glued to the TV or Internet, cheering their team and country to victory. They were able to win against France. Everybody took to the street to cheer the victory! On Tuesday, the president of Argentina declared a national holiday to welcome the national team back to Argentina and celebrate the victory. When I was a child, Argentina won in 1978; then they won in1986 and now in 2022! There is a lot of work ahead to reach Argentina for Christ!

Our estimated arrival back to Argentina will be the 15th of March. We are keeping busy with some traveling, soul winning, visiting family, doctors’ visits, and dental visits. Every day is another day to serve the Lord! Thank you for your love and support!

Here to serve,

Brain R. George and Family

FBMI Missionary Brian George Prayer Letter Picture

Pastor John Wilkerson and I with some of the attendees for our National Pastors’ Conference