Brian and Liesl George Prayer Letter: Back in Argentina!Praise the Lord! We are back in Argentina! We left Iowa on the 21st of June and arrived in Tucuman, Ar-gentina, the next day at 5:00 p.m. We brought back with us 8 bags, each weighing 50 pounds, along with other handbags. Everything went smoothly. We are excited to be back in Tucuman! Praise the Lord that our health is doing better! Thank you for your prayers.

A week after we arrived back in Argentina, Pastor Missionary Larry Owens suddenly started to get sick with nonstop vomiting. The vomiting lasted for six days until he went to the hospital and found out that he had a constricted hernia, which had caused his intestine to be blocked—we thought that he just had food poisoning! The day that he arrived at the hospital, they did an emergency surgery to take out the part of his intestine that was blocked. A week later, he was having serious complications, and the surgeon had to operate again to reunite the intestine. Praise the Lord that the second operation was a success!

At the church, we were praying nonstop for Pastor Owens and his health. Prayer meetings were held that went way into the night. The people here dearly love Pastor Owens! We announced that Pastor Owens needed funds to go to the hospital and for the operation, and in just a matter of three days, the people here gave donations to cover the hospital bill. Wow! This was incredible, as the people gave of their sav-ings to help out the man of God.

A few days after the second operation, Pastor Owens was very weak, and we were concerned that he would not pull through! God did another miracle, and he is slowly gaining his energy! In just the last few days, he has been able to get up and start walking. Thank you for your prayers. We are very grateful for them.

The church here continues to go strong. We are seeing people saved out soul winning and many first-time visitors. I have been leading the church and preaching during Pastor Owens’ absence. Thank you for your faithful support. May God bless you richly.

For souls,

Brian R. George and Family

FBMI Missionary Brian George Prayer Letter Picture

Pastor Larry Owens has been very ill but is recovering!