Bob Bowen Prayer Letter:  Go Ye Into All the World!“. . . Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also . . . .” (Mark 1:38) During the month of May, I preached in seven different churches and attended two national conferences. My goal is always the same, and that is to make believers in America aware of the great need for Bibles on the mission field. It is impossible to reach a nation for Christ without the Bible in their language.

As of May 22, Thailand has been under military control again. This is the 22nd coup that was capped off by several months of civil unrest. The constitution has been tossed, political leaders have been detained, and citizens are under martial law and curfews. Thailand lives on the brink of destruction. The Devil is doing everything he can to stop the growth of common sense and Christianity.

“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you . . . .” (Matthew 28:20) FBMI has just introduced a new program called Teaching All Nations (TAN). I have enclosed a brochure to give you some information about TAN. I will return to Southeast Asia this fall to start Bible institutions in several of our existing churches in several nations. This program is needed in training nationals who are members of local Baptist churches to reach their own nation for Christ. Every church in America and on the mission field needs a program to train the next generation of apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: which is the local New Testament Baptist church. Amen! If you would be interested in using TAN in your church to train the next generation of believers, please contact Dr. Ed Tutton about the material.

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) For many years, I have used a soul=winning booklet with pictures and Bible verses to help win souls. I have found that the pictures do not need a translator in many of the countries I have traveled in. I have enclosed a copy of the booklet and hope that it will be a blessing to you in your personal soul winning in giving God’s simple plan of salvation.

Many have asked me to produce the booklet in different languages, which I am doing. I am making the book available to anyone who will give a gift of $10.00, which will provide a whole Bible and a soul-winning booklet to a believer on the mission field. If you are interested in ordering the booklet, please contact Maranatha Baptist Church, Pastor Curtis Hall, at 812-853-2011. They are in charge of producing the material.

Jackie was able to spend Mother’s Day with her 98-year-old mother in Illinois. She was near death in February, but the Lord has seen fit to bring her back to good health again. Thank you for your prayers.

Brother Bowen

Philippians 4:13