Ben Turner Prayer Letter:  Blessing After Blessing!The last two months have been filled with blessing after blessing! We are truly thankful to the Lord. There is fruit being added to your account. Seven precious people trusted Christ as Saviour, and five precious people followed the Lord in believer’s baptism! We give God all the glory!

Another blessing is the increase in Persians who are coming to Anchor Baptist Church. Many of these Persians are new Christians and in need of discipleship. Sunday, November 18, we started a Farsi-speaking discipleship class. John, the man on the far left, interprets for me as I teach the class. Please make this discipleship class a matter of prayer.

We would also like to ask your continued prayers for our son Caleb and his wife Abbey. They are less than two weeks from delivering their first child. Unless the baby comes before December 10, Abbey will need to be induced. We are planning to drive to San Jose, California, on December 10. This is a very exciting time for our family. God is so good!

The Turners,
Ben, Becky, Brianna, and Emma