Eddie and Sindy Arold Prayer Letter: Soul Winning = Growing!Thank you so much for your continued support. God has been blessing in ways that I cannot comprehend. Soul winning year to date has allowed us to see many thousands of people receive Christ through schools and village preaching. I believe that the reason all of our churches are growing is because of soul winning.

God has blessed us with four young men who are now preaching in our Saturday night classes at the church. Our 10-year-old preached the other day for the first time on David, and God used him greatly! Our daughters are both teaching children at the church, and “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” (III John 1:4)

Please continue to pray for the following urgent needs:

1) Pray for us to be able to start a foundation that will allow us to give visas, work permits, and own our properties.
2) Pray for our church planters; we are trying to find monthly support for them, as it is difficult for them to go on deputation.
3) Pray for our first trip to Youth Conference—our children have never been to FBC Youth Conference, and it would be a blessing if we could raise the money for them to go this July.
4) Pray that we can reach a million souls this year. It is very doable, as we have an open door with the schools in Thailand. This is the next generation! We have the people to do it and the places to go—we just don’t have the finances.

God bless you, and thank you for reading this update!

Eddie Arold
Romans 6:18