Eddie and Sindy Arold Prayer Letter: Fourteen Years in the 10/40 Window Kingdom of Thailand!I know you are very busy and may not have time to reply to this email. My purpose in emailing you is to thank you for either praying for us, supporting us, or both. Of course, I want to thank my God for making 14 years possible. I want to thank my wife Sindy and my kids for being my amazing team and for being behind me. I want to say thank you to my mom, my dad, Max, Miss Catherine, Bill, and my grandparents (whom I have attached pictures of), who were amazing prayer warriors, along with my other grandparents, whom I do not have pictures of. Thank you, Brother Bosje, who led our team. Thank you to my Preacher! Thank you so much!!! I have attached 10 pictures for you to enjoy with me.

Today marks 14 years we have been in the 10/40 Window Kingdom of Thailand! I still remember Day 1, getting lost in a taxi with my daughter, and Day 2, finding a Mexican Flag (my wife thought it was a Mexican restaurant) that turned out to be a young man living there who became our translator. God has confirmed many times our being here, and I don’t ever want to be a person who is not thankful. Thank you more than you can ever know. I would email every day and thank you, but you might not enjoy that. Your investing your time to pray for our ministry and taking your hard-earned money and sacrificing it for the Arold family is amazing, and I am so thankful.

May God bless you a thousand times over. Pray for our family and church as we continue to take this work to the next level and reach a massive number in the schools. The next generation of this majority Buddhist country could change the way that this nation moves forward concerning Christianity. Pray as we work to do something massive in the schools.

Thank you more than you can ever know!

Eddie, Sindy, Abigail, Naomi, Little Eddie, and Joshua Arold
Missionaries in Thailand since July 8, 2008