Eddie and Sindy Arold Prayer Letter: Preaching a Christian Funeral in a Buddhist TempleWhat a miracle week we had! Tom passed away recently. I had the honor of going to the hospital to see him three days before he passed and was able to give him the Gospel. Tik, his wife, told me that after I gave him the Gospel and after he got saved, he was not able to communicate much after that. It was almost like he was waiting for the Gospel!

I was honored to preach Tom’s funeral three days this week at Grace Baptist Church and the temple called Wat Prempracha. It was my first time preaching a funeral in a temple. Miss Shari House sang two songs, and Brother Abel and his family traveled 16 hours round trip to sing and preach.

We saw 15 saved this week to the glory of God! Thank you Tok, Yam, and Yor for asking me to do the funeral. It was one of the high honors of my life.

May God bless you,

Eddie Arold