TENGA EN CUENTA: La carta en español sigue a su carta en inglés. Gracias.

Angel Lopez Prayer Letter: Two New Converts“. . . ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24)

Thank you for praying for my daughter Tabitha Daniella. She is coming along fairly well with the treatments. Thank GOD! She receives therapy twice weekly. Her left arm and leg are moving now, and she is walking better. She cannot drive yet; her vision is damaged, and she needs new glasses. Please keep praying for her.


Sometimes victory comes wrapped in tragedy. Marvin Garcia is a truck driver here who heard the Gospel many times but never paid much attention to it. Then eight months or so ago, tragedy came to his life. In a horrible traffic accident, which destroyed his truck, Marvin’s body shot through the window and was mangled by steel debris from the wreckage. This riddled his body with multiple huge punctures in all of the worst possible places. Now eight months later, bedridden, paralyzed, and racked with pain, Marvin has received Christ as his Saviour. His five children also got saved. He is asking prayer for the fullest possible recovery. After two operations, he needs a third operation. Please pray for Brother Marvin Garcia.

Brother Rudy Morales is a new convert from San Jose Pinula who regularly attends our church. Bro. Morales, who has a natural religion practitioner (a witch) among his relatives there, has determined to stop witchcraft practices since he got saved. Last Saturday he took me to visit his relatives. Dona Betty, a witch lady, stopped us; she was so furious, causing no one to want to hear the Gospel. Please pray that God will stand against this woman with her threatenings and her demonic tirades. Pray that Rudy and his family will have complete freedom and liberty to continue steadfastly in the faith. Rudy Morales cannot read and write; I have started teaching him.


I will be going to the States for the month of May 2018 in order to attend the high school graduation of my first grandson Ricardo and also to visit my daughter Tabitha Daniela. While there, I will also take the time to visit some churches. My email in Guatemala is lopezyax5@gmail.com. My phone number in the United States is 219.789.4013.

Thank you again for your support and prayers. God bless.


Angel Lopez

Angel Lopez Prayer Letter:  Two New Converts“. . . pedid y recibireis, para que vuestro gozo sea cumplido.” (Juan 16:24)

Gracias por orar por mi hija Tabitha Daniela. Mi hija se esta recuperando con los tratamientos que esta recibiendo, gracias a DIOS. Ella recibe terapia dos veces por semana . Su brazo izquierdo y su pierna tienen mas movimiento, puede caminar mejor. Aun no puede manejar. Sus ojos sufrieron algun dano, necesita usar nuevos anteojos. Por favor sigan orando por mi hija.


Algunas veces la victoria viene envuelta en tragedia. Marvin Garcia que es chofer de camiones, escucho muchas veces el Evangelio pero nunca le dio su atencion. Entonces tragedia vino a su vida. Tuvo un horrible accidente que destruyo su camion completamente. El cuerpo de Marvin fue prensado entre los hierros del camion. Tiene agujeros en su cuerpo. Esta en cama con sus dos piernas paralizadas y con mucho dolor por mas de ocho meses. Marvin recibio a Jesucristo como su Salvador y tambien sus cinco hijos. Marvin esta pidiendo sus oraciones para su posible recuperacion. Despues de dos operaciones necesita una tercera operacion. Por favor ore por Marvin Garcia.

Hermano Rudy Morales es un nuevo convertido de San Jose Pinula. Asiste a la iglesia regularmente. Rudy fue un practicante de hechiceria (brujo) entre sus familiares. Despues de ser salvo con determinacion firme me llevo a visitar parte de su familia. Dona Betty la mujer hechicera, furiosa nos impidio de predicar el evangelio a la familia. Por favor ore que DIOS detenga a esta senora de su deseos demoniacos para que el evangelio pueda se predicado y que Rudy y su familia pueda tener libertad de continuar en su fe cristiana.


Estare en U.S. en Mayo 2018 para asistir a la graduacion de High School de mi primer nieto Ricardo y tambien visitare a mi hija Tabitha Daniela. Mientras estare en US visitare algunas iglesias.Mi Correo en Guatemala lopezyax5@gmail.com. Telefono en US 219.789.4013.

Gracias por sus oraciones y ayuda economica. Dios les bendiga.


Angel Lopez