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Angel Lopez Prayer Letter: Biggest Attendance Ever!“For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone.” (Psalm 86:10)

We are excited about what God is doing here. The new work in San Jose Pinula continues strong, and this year we look forward to a good harvest of souls there for the glory of God.

Seven Saved and One Baptized

This month of May, we had our biggest attendance ever, with nearly 80 people in attendance for our annual Mother’s Day service. Most of them were from the town of San Jose Pinula. Our bus was full, and I actually had to leave people behind. After the preaching, I gave the invitation; 7 people received Christ as their Saviour, and 1 got baptized. Glory to God! Your prayers are being answered. Please keep praying.

Almost a month ago, I visited a lady by the name of Gladys. Thank God that she received the Lord as her Saviour! Gladys had a stroke; her leg and arm cannot move easily now. She moves with crutches and always seeks help to comb her hair, take a shower, or wash her clothes. Nevertheless, she brought 8 visitors to church! Her granddaughter Cecilia got saved and baptized last Sunday. Her daughter Elizabeth asked forgiveness because her relationship with her mom was broken. Gladys has three more children, but they have left her. Her husband has also abandoned her. She is alone. Please pray for Gladys.

A Visit to the Doctor

Recently I had a checkup at the eye clinic, and they told me that I should have an operation in both of my eyes to relieve pressure on my optic nerves. Before I consent to doing that, I will get a second opinion at an eye clinic in the United States. Please help me to pray about this.
Please continue praying also for Marvin Garcia, whose children attend our church regularly. He is suffering complications in his accident recovery.

Thank you for praying for my daughter Tabitha Daniela, as she continues to improve.

Lord willing, I will be traveling to the States on the 22nd of this month, and I will be there for the entire month of June. Thank you for your prayers and support. May the Lord bless you.


Angel Lopez

Angel Lopez Prayer Letter: Biggest Attendance Ever!“Porque tu eres grande, y hacedor de maravillas. Solo tu eres Dios.” (Salmo 86:10)

Estamos felices por lo que Dios esta haciendo en la nueva obra de San Jose Pinula. Esta obra continua fuerte este ano. La cosecha de almas son para Gloria de Dios.

Siete Salvados y Uno Bautizado

El domingo 6 de este mes tuvimos la asistencia mas grande en nuestra iglesia, tuvimos cerca de 80 personas en asistencia en nuestro servicio anual del Dia de la Madre.La mayor parte de la asistencia era de San Jose Pinula. Nuestro bus estaba lleno y tuvimos que dejar personas por espacio. Despues de la predicacion di la invitacion, siete personas recibieron al Senor Jesus y un bautismo. Gloria a Dios!

Sus oraciones han sido contestada, Por favor continuen orando por nosotros,

Hace casi un mes visite a una senora cuyo nombre es Gladys. Gracias a Dios ella acepto a Jesucristo como su Salvador. Gladys tuvo un ataque cardiaco, su pierna y su brazo no se mueven facilmente. Con muletas se mueve y siempre busca ayuda para peinarse, banarse o lavar su ropa. Sin embargo ella trajo 8 visitantes; su nieta que se bautizo y su hija que le pidio perdon porque su relacion con Gladys(mama) estaba rota.

Gladys tiene 3 hijos mas, pero la abandonaron y tambien su esposo la dejo hace anos atras. Gladys esta sola. Por favor oren por Gladys.

Visita al Doctor

Recientemente fui a checarme mis ojos y el medico me dijo que deberia operarme ambos ojos para aliviar la presion que esta recibiendo el nervio optico. Antes de firmar el consentimiento de la operacion, deseo tener una segunda opinion en alguna clinica de USA. Por favor continuen orando por Marvin Garcia tiene complicaciones en su recuperacion del accidente. Sus hijos asisten regularmente a la iglesia. Gracias por orar por mi hija Tabitha Daniela, ella continua recuperandose.

Si Dios me permite estare viajando el 22 de este mes a USA. Regresare a Guatemala a finales de Junio. Gracias por sus oraciones y ayuda economica.

Dios les bendiga grandemente a todos atentamente,

Angel Lopez