Andy Richey Prayer Letter: Redeeming COVID-19 TimeWe hope that this communication finds you healthy and doing well, and we pray to this end. Our sincerest appreciation goes out to our supporting churches and pastors. In these challenging times, you have been faithful to your local church and our ministry here in Kenya. While ministry here has been curtailed in some ways, we have endeavored to work around the limitations while continuing to win souls, disciple converts, and prepare church leaders.

Church gatherings have been banned for several months now, so we have been meeting in other settings. A small fellowship has been started in the home of Charles. Together we started this meeting and saw several saved. After three weeks, I turned this ministry over to Charles, and he has been faithfully teaching the Foundations of Our Faith lessons to this group of souls. This will serve as a seed when we are able to begin a new church plant!

In preparing for a new church plant and in preparing church pillars, God has been working in the hearts of key men. We have spent many days soul winning and also in practical teaching of our purpose and command to win the lost to Christ. We have met in their homes and various locations, learning the BAPTIST distinctives and the biblical principles of a real church. I thank God for these men and would ask you to pray by name for Fred, Charles, and Oliver. In many communities here, you will pass a “church” in only a few minutes’ walk in any direction. These churches preach a works-based salvation and are leading many to Hell. Over the recent months, much time has been spent with each man, teaching them why we need to begin a new church and how it will be different. I believe God has sent some men who want to be part of a true biblical, independent Baptist church now that they have gained much understanding. AMEN!

Connie has been creative in finding ways to impact the lives of those around us. She has been teaching children scholastic basics, which is a great ministry opportunity because schools are complete shut down and will likely be closed until 2021. She is also doing a discipleship program with some moms. Thank you to all who have prayed for Connie’s health challenges. She has healed completely health-wise. At the beginning of June, she fell and fractured her left foot. That is healing nicely as well.

In spite of the government limits on what would be considered normal ministry, we have been fruitful in the Great Commission, and we know the same is true in your church. Let us pray that God will use us all to be a guiding light of truth and sanity in this time of physical challenge, spiritual confusion, and political uncertainty! Until the Saviour returns, may we be found faithful!

Your servants for lost souls across East Africa,

Andy & Connie Richey