Andy Richey Prayer Letter: 61 First-Time Visitors, New In-Home Bible Studies, and Souls Saved!We are very blessed and very busy in the ministry here in Kenya as your representatives on behalf of our Saviour. It is only through your prayers and support that this report, of what God is doing, is possible!

The primary church that we have been working with began in Pastor Fred’s home. It has been a great joy to see this church grow in size and spiritual depth. Greater Vision Baptist Church has just finished a seven-week program promoting its presence and doctrinal strength to the community. The members really got excited about bringing new people, and we saw 61 first-time visitors come to the services. Every visitor heard a clear presentation of the saving grace of Christ, and many called on Him as their Saviour. We now have much work to do in following up with the visitors and their families as we strive to visit them in their homes. Please pray with us for continued growth in souls and in the spiritual maturity of GVBC and its members.

My heart stirs with excitement as I share the next segment of this report with you. God has tremendously blessed through soul winning and the desire of many to learn and see their friends and neighbors saved. Doors have opened in three different locations, where we have begun in-home weekly Bible studies. Through these meetings, 11 souls have made the eternal decision to call on Christ Jesus as their personal Saviour. This environment is prime training for new soul winners and future pastors, and with the blessing of God, this could be the birthing ground for new churches. Please pray for God’s discernment in discipling both the new converts and the church members who are assisting in these home studies to develop strong Christians and church leaders.

Our current focus is GVBC, yet we have made visits to several churches that God has put in our path, some of which He has used us to birth. We work diligently to follow up with these churches to help maintain proper doctrine and pastoral training. One such highlight is Pastor Eric. God opened the door four years ago to lead him to Christ, and we spent some time discipling him. Friends in Eric’s community asked him to be their pastor. This young church has grown from meeting in his home to meeting in a very nice building, with an average attendance of around 100. As God guided, we recently were able to travel a good distance to spend some time with Pastor Eric and this wonderful group of faithful believers. Please pray, as they have requested us to return for a week-long time of practical and doctrinal teaching to strengthen the church in soul winning and biblical truth.

This month we will be hosting a married couple, committed to the cause of Christ, who are coming to prayerfully consider if God might have them join us in the work of God here in Kenya. For this couple and others: “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:38)

Your servants for lost souls across East Africa,

Andy & Connie Richey