Andrew Steers Prayer Letter:  Evidence of God's WorkingIdeally, it is every church’s prayer that there is evidence of God working in and through the lives of its members. We praise the Lord for the salvation of a young man in the church. Tender to the preaching of God’s Word, young Ethan (11) has heard the Gospel over and over. He recently was convicted by one of the pastor’s sermons and after church began to ask his mother some questions. She answered his questions and led him to Christ.

We were in Sydney earlier in the month for a medical appointment. We visited a family that we had reached when we were working at Southland Baptist Church. The children have grown so much! After a lovely visit, Laura asked her friend if she could witness to Katrin, who had just become a teenager. Katrin listened intently and asked Jesus to save her. We have encouraged the family to visit the church again.

Semesa is a young man in his twenties from Vanuatu. He is in Tasmania to work on a local strawberry farm for a few months. Initially when challenged on his eternal destiny, he was quick to explain his involvement in a church back home, except, when questioned further regarding his eternal destiny, he conceded that he did not know where he would go when he died. Standing outside the boarding house, he allowed me to take him through the Romans Road verses. He humbly bowed his head to accept the gift of salvation.

Please pray:
1. That Ethan grows in his newfound faith in Christ. We are thankful he has young men in church to encourage him.
2. That Katrin and her family get back in church.
3. That Semesa gets time off to enable him to be in church. His job requires workers to work many hours per day, seven days each week. Pray also that we will be able to reach more of the workers before they return to Vanuatu in May.
4. That our church can find a new premises to lease. The building we have been meeting in for years has just been sold, and we have only four weeks to relocate.

Once again, your ongoing support is greatly appreciated as we, in turn, continue to pray for your co-labor in reaching the lost of this world.

In the service of the King, and for His glory,

Bro. Andrew Steers