Andres Amoros Prayer Letter:  Successful Fall ProgramBeloved Brethren,

Receive our fraternal greetings. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful and prosperous New Year. (Luke 2:13-14)

My wife and I want to thank each of you for praying for her health. Her recovery has been very satisfactory after her surgery. Thank God she has already returned to her work routines, both at home and at church. The ladies and children in Sunday school missed her the most. God’s love is evident when we see the brethren’s joy and the expressions of gratitude to the Lord for having my wife back in our services. We praise God for His mercy.

The news of the year here in the Dominican Republic has been the arrival in the country of the new USA ambassador, who is known in the world not only for his stand for the homosexual movement but also for same-sex marriage. The majority of Dominicans consider this act as a great humiliation to our country. All fundamental Baptist churches have joined our voices in public protest against this abominable sin, and we have also committed ourselves to pray and fast until God removes this man and his wife from the embassy. Would you please join us in prayer for this particular matter?

As the world continues in its worldliness and immorality, our church remains firm in doing the work of God. The Fall Program, namely “Marathon 2013,” of planting and harvesting was a success. The first Sunday Dr. Darrell Moore from our church in Indiana was our guest speaker. During the invitation many decisions were made, and others were saved. The last day of the program, we had 35 people receive Christ as their personal Saviour. God blessed us throughout the whole program. A total of 146 people were saved, and 8 were baptized. To God be the glory.

Again, thanks to each of you for constantly praying for us and investing in our ministry so that we can be a blessing to others who desperately need the Gospel of Christ.

Prayer Requests:
1. Please continue to pray for the new converts.
2. Pray for spiritual wisdom to make some decisions for the future of our church.
3. Pray for more workers in our church, especially for Sunday school.

Because Jesus Christ lives,

Andres R. Dora and Amorós
Your Missionaries in the Dominican Republic
Philippians 1:6