Mike A. Family2024-02-16T11:20:31-06:00








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Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: An Amazing Testimony!

Missionary #6506 Prayer Letter: An Amazing Testimony!A new dynamic of ministry has emerged from your prayers and God’s incredible orchestration. Like one who enjoys the magnificent view of a mountain peak, there is also the danger that a single slip could end it all. As God has been opening up incredible doors for us, our visa situation is still unknown. At the beginning of March, we submitted our residency applications for another year. It has always been the case that they would approve our visas that same day, and a couple of weeks later, we would receive our permits in the mail. This time, they changed their system. After submitting our documents, they said we could leave the Immigration Office, and they would contact us if we were approved to stay or if we would be asked to leave. It has already been over a month, and we haven’t heard anything yet. While waiting for our approval to stay in this country, God has directed our steps to cross paths with an individual with an incredible testimony.

Years ago, a devout Muslim man engaged to be married was traveling alone during a time of Ramadan. The area in which he was traveling was unusually hot that day. He felt the desperate need for some water and inquired of his Muslim friends for help. His devote friends scorned his request, which brought a disenchantment in his heart towards Islam altogether. In that moment, he remembered hearing that there was a church nearby that offered water. As he entered the church, he found no one present but saw the water that was made available to the public. As he refreshed himself with the water, he noticed a statue of Jesus. In a mocking way, he told Jesus that he would believe in Him if he would answer 11 different requests. He had no expectations and nearly forgot his request the moment he left the church. One by one, the requests he petitioned were being answered in a short period of time. It was these answered requests that reminded him of his conversation with Jesus, but he disregarded that thought as merely coincidence. He knew that the last request he gave to God was impossible.

Their family had a business that was about to be closed by the government due to delinquent bills. The deadline was passed, and it was only a matter of time before they salvaged all their belongings to compensate for the debt owed. The next day, he returned home from his travels. His mother met him with intense enthusiasm to check the family’s bank account. While he had been gone, some random stranger had called, offering to pay the debt. She gave him what he needed to transfer the money, but she didn’t know how to check the account without her son’s help. When he finally arrived, they both rushed to the bank to see that they had more than enough to pay the debt they owed. In that moment, this man was pierced to the heart with God’s love. He was amazed as to why Jesus would love him so much as to answer even the smallest of his requests. Through many other miraculous events, God led him to us.

There’s not enough space to share his entire story in this prayer letter, but in finding Christ years ago, he had to leave everything behind and now lives in the country where we serve. For the last couple of months, we have been working together on a book designed to bring the Muslim reader to Christ! The English version is now complete, and we are working on the translation of this book into many languages. I wish I could share everything God has been doing, but I would have to write another book! Please know that your prayers are not in vain! Witnessing God orchestrate this project, watching the power of God’s Word transform lives, and observing many accounts of answered prayer are just some of the highlights these past few months.

Today, we are celebrating my daughter’s 17th birthday. We are planning a furlough next year, as she is planning to attend Bible college. Please pray for God’s direction and power!

Missionary #6506

April 10th, 2024|Tags: , |



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