Go and Danielle Oishi Prayer Letter: Our Regulars Are Stepping Up!

2025-02-11T12:53:00-06:00February 10th, 2025|Categories: Go Oishi Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Glory to God! New Year’s Day in Japan is one of the two spiritually darkest nationally observed holidays in Japan, as the majority of the Japanese population gather in the Shinto shrines to give what many consider to be a culturally obliga [...]

Dan and Deb Rothwell Prayer Letter: When the Lord Turned Again the Captivity . . . We Were Like Them That Dreamed

2025-02-05T12:33:29-06:00February 10th, 2025|Categories: Dan Rothwell Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

Hafa Adai from the beautiful island of Guam. “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the [...]

Matt and Katie Belle Bosje Prayer Letter: 100% Supported!

2025-02-09T13:49:37-06:00February 10th, 2025|Categories: Matt Bosje Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We have finally reached 100% of our support! God is so good! Our prayer was that He would allow us to raise it by the end of 2024, and He did just that. We are so thankful for the many churches and people of God who have committed to partn [...]

Ben and Becky Turner Prayer Letter: Rejoicing in the Goodness of God!

2025-02-09T13:39:23-06:00February 9th, 2025|Categories: Ben Turner Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Becky and I continue to be amazed at what the LORD is doing here in the Vancouver area. The year of 2024 brought many reasons to rejoice in the goodness of God. The LORD enabled Anchor Baptist Church to see 61 precious people accept Jesus [...]

Missionary #6505 Newsletter: Lord, Please Shut the Lions’ Mouths!

2025-02-12T15:24:35-06:00February 9th, 2025|Categories: Bill F. Family (#6505), Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

Late last week, we were very alarmed to hear that two of our faithful converts were arrested in Pakistan. Some of you might remember P___l and his daughter N____r, who were featured at the beginning and end of the Christmas video we sent y [...]

Caleb and Emily Christiansen Prayer Letter: New Church Plants

2025-02-03T17:21:23-06:00February 8th, 2025|Categories: Caleb Christiansen Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

From the beginning of our ministry in Nigeria, our heartbeat has been to see churches started here in Nigeria. We praise the Lord that He has opened several opportunities to do so. We are excited about two church-planting opportunities tha [...]

Tim and Christa Simmons Prayer Letter: Outreach Efforts and Evangelism Campaign

2025-02-06T07:27:48-06:00February 8th, 2025|Categories: Prayer Letters, Tim Simmons Family|Tags: , |

Two Souls Saved! Even though many of our people are still young Christians, we are trying to promote the importance of evangelism. I plan to do an evangelism class soon to teach how to explain the Gospel. Many of our people pass out tracts [...]

Arturo and Ismerai Garza Prayer Letter: A Reminder to Pray for Mexico

2025-02-05T11:50:45-06:00February 7th, 2025|Categories: Arturo Garza Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We thank our God for sustaining us with His grace at all times and for the blessing we have to serve Him. Thank you for your faithful prayers for us and for loving missions around the world. Despite the intense cold this winter and the ill [...]

Zach and Cassandra Foust Jr. Prayer Letter: Back in Peru!

2025-02-05T15:03:59-06:00February 7th, 2025|Categories: Prayer Letters, Zachary Foust, Jr. Family|Tags: , , |

Thank you so much for your continued prayers for my health. Things have improved quite a bit since our last letter. I am not at 100%, but I am grateful to be doing much better. We were able to make it back to Peru on January 9. I am now ab [...]

Garry and Mindy Tingson Prayer Letter: A Great Start!

2025-02-05T14:28:34-06:00February 6th, 2025|Categories: Garry Tingson Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

It was a wonderful wintertime while we were back in Michigan with family for the holidays. I had the honour to update some of our local supporting churches and to preach in various ministries at our home church. I preached a simple Christm [...]

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