Warren Storm Prayer Letter:  Mission Trip to Rwanda, East AfricaRwanda, East Africa

September was an amazing month for us. We had the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Rwanda, East Africa. Our daughter and son-in-law, Angela and Gregg Schoof, and their family are serving in Kigali, the capital city. God allowed me to preach three services at their Cornerstone Baptist Church. Several people who received Christ through Gregg’s Amazing Grace Radio Station had a meal honoring Gregg while we were there. Some of them gave their testimonies of how much it has blessed them. We visited their radio station, as well as the radio tower Gregg and his men erected.

While we were out soul winning, we altogether were able to see 7 African people trust Christ as their personal Saviour. What a joy that was! During our stay I helped Gregg repair two of their vehicles. Our grandsons helped us a great deal as well. We are so grateful for the opportunity we had to go to Africa. We caught a small glimpse of what Gregg, Angela, and six of our grandchildren experience every day!

St. Avold, France

From Africa we went on to France. My wife Jary Lynn’s dad, PFC Jack L. Campbell, Sr., was in the Army, stationed in France during WWII. He was killed in action on October 10, 1944; and he was buried at the Lorraine American Cemetery in St. Avold, France. We visited his grave with tears of gratitude and thanksgiving for his brave service, paying the ultimate sacrifice for his family and for his country.

September and October went very fast. We helped churches in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana with their buses and their Bus Ministries. We helped 18 churches, working on 23 buses and preaching 11 times. We were also able to win 13 precious souls to Christ. God promised that He would build the church or bus route if we would win the souls to Christ. “. . . And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” (Acts 2:47)

Bus Ministry Still Works

In Kendallville, Indiana, a 74-year-old grandfather, Bro. Jerry, got back in church after many years of running from God. When his granddaughter started riding the New Hope Baptist Church bus to Sunday school, he was convicted to get back in church. He started attending again, and his wife then trusted the Lord as her Saviour. She loves going with him to church. The weekend we were there, he sang a special before I preached. The following Monday evening, he went soul winning with me, and we had the joy of seeing the parents of some bus kids trust Christ as their Saviour. God is truly blessing Bro. Jerry and his family.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for our 17-year-old grandson, Caleb Schoof, who is in Rwanda. He is having some health issues. Thank you for praying for our Navy son, David Highfill. He is stationed in East Africa until October 2018. Thank you for your prayers for our health and safety as well.

We thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support. We are grateful for those of you who are partnering with us to Keep the Buses Rolling. You have a part in every soul reached, in every bus repaired, and in bringing boys and girls to Sunday school.

Yours for souls,

Warren & Jary Lynn Storm