Missionary #6501 Prayer Letter:  Property AcquisitionPurchasing property in a foreign country is a daunting task. We did it in Europe, but that was after we had been there long enough to be fluent in the language. As many of you know, we were told by immigration officials that purchasing property was one of the only viable options in order for us to continue renewing our residency permits. God allowed us to locate an apartment near the largest university in our province. The apartment ownership also grants us access to various community- shared facilities, which can be put to good use. After a multitude of delays, that are typical of life in Asia, we were able to obtain the title deed yesterday! I especially wish to thank Roanoke Baptist, my sending church, for their help with this endeavor, as well as First Baptist of Hammond, Salem Baptist of Decatur, and Open Bible Baptist of Warsaw for their significant contributions. The majority of the funds came from a generous businessman who wishes to remain anonymous.

People Arriving

To date, Team Eurasia has brought four families to Asia, and reinforcements are still needed. One of those families has chosen to work independently, and the other three are working jointly. In the next month or so, another family moves this way. This family is not officially attached to our team. The man is accepting a secular job not too far away, but we are still eager for the opportunity to fellowship with another family from a likeminded church. Not long after that, we are receiving guests who serve at Boeke Road Baptist, but who frequently visit us here and are always a blessing. This summer we are anticipating the possible return of a widow lady for two or three months. Another visitor, praying about serving on this field, plans to come for part of the summer as well. Our team has a new family that has just started out on the deputation trail. You could contact FBMI if you are interested in contacting them. There are several other families that are praying about the possibility of joining, including some of our own adult children.

Prayers Answered

In addition to the property purchased, there have been multiple answers to prayer. One lady was healed quite miraculously. One of our families, that was facing expulsion, has been shown a possible work around and, at the very least, has bought several more months. (Please pray for them, as they are expecting the birth of their first baby in April.) Nationals have been returning to services. Another man has agreed to meet with us on a regular basis to discuss the Bible. Our language skills are showing steady signs of improvement. The dollar has seen record highs in recent weeks. We are doing the type of foundational work that is so necessary here, but visible progress seems increasingly imminent. Please pray for everyone’s visa battles. Pray for the translation of a tract a team member and I have just co-written. Pray for many salvations. Pray for workers here and those on their way to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will. Pray for protection, provision, and power to win the lost!

Missionary #6501 and Family