Zach Jr. and Cassandra Foust Prayer Letter: Great Month of August!We had a great month of August! Over the last six weeks, we have been in churches in Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, Colorado, and now Arizona. We have done a lot of driving, but God has blessed us every step of the way. We could say so much about all the churches we have been to.

One particular blessing from this past month was our trip to Colorado. After a wonderful Missions Conference with Landmark Baptist Church in Grand Junction, Colorado, we were able to visit Pastor Roger Alley and Cornerstone Baptist Church in Denver. We had a great time with them, getting the chance to go hiking in the Rockies and go soul winning with them on Saturday.

After we went soul winning with them, we then went soul winning with their son-in-law, Da We Khusay and his wife Kristina. He is from Burma and came to America as a teenager. He was reached by their church shortly after. He and I went to Hyles-Anderson together, and now he is back in Denver serving in his home church. He has started a ministry to the Karenni Burmese people. After soul winning and visiting with them on Saturday, we attended the English class he and his wife teach, full of new Karenni converts. After the amazing service on Sunday with the Alleys, where Cassandra and I sang and I preached, we headed over to their church. They had a potluck lunch for us, where we were able to try all sorts of new (and very spicy) Asian food. It was delicious! Every person there was a convert of Bro. Da We’s ministry. They are thriving! The Karenni church voted to take us on, and we are their first missionaries ever! It was a huge deal for these young Christians, and it meant the world to us.

This upcoming month, we will be traveling from Arizona to Tennessee and then spending the next month in the Southeastern part of the U.S. We ask prayer for traveling safety, that we would see folks saved, and that God would allow us to be a blessing to everyone with whom we come in contact.

Please pray for Peru! This month, September 7-10, Team Peru is hosting a large Pastors’ Conference. We wish we could be there! Their last one like this was in 2019, and over 100 pastors from across Peru attended. Please pray that the Lord would use it in a great way to help reach South America. Thank you for your consistent prayers!


Zach and Cassandra Foust, Jr.