Xavier Lopez Prayer Letter: Vacation Bible School, Souls Saved, Baptisms, 7 New Sunday School Classes, and New Bus RouteThank you for praying for our family and our ministry. Only in eternity will we see the fruit of our labor in its entirety, but for now, enjoy some of the dividends of what we can see here on earth.

In January, we hit the ground running with Vacation Bible School! We had a high day of 132, with children and parents saved throughout the week. This united our church as we earnestly worked together to glorify God.

The pictures below are of some of our baptisms from the months of January and February. After we get them saved and baptized, we work on getting our converts soul winning and plugged into a Bible study to help them grow. Depending on how they respond, we will give them responsibility in a ministry and eventually make them a leader to help keep them more accountable and productive for the Lord.
In the beginning of February, we started 7 new Sunday school classes, which makes 15 classes altogether in our church. There are 7 boys’ classes and 7 girls’ classes, and I teach the mixed adult class. We also started a new bus route with a new bus captain, which makes 4 bus routes altogether that we use to mature and capacitate leaders and workers.

We normally have 37 to 40 soul winners go out to reach people every Saturday. Please pray with us as we work and pray to have 100 soul winners go out from our church to win souls faithfully every week.

Please pray for us as we make preparations to start a seminary. We already have people called to full-time Christian service; we just need to train them. Our plan is to plant new churches with our graduates.

I read a biography about a missionary to India named John Hyde who decided to win one soul a day. Towards the end of his life, he began winning four souls a day. His story inspired me to win “one or more” a day. This decision has led me to religiously win more people and under some of the most unusual circumstances.

It was 11:00 Sunday night, and I had just gotten into bed when I realized that I had not won a soul. So I hurriedly got dressed and drove off into the night to find someone. I parked at a corner and prayed an extra 15 minutes while I waited because it was raining so hard. It was getting too late, so I got out of the truck. A few seconds later, a man “just happened” to come around the corner. After inviting him to church, I began witnessing to him. As we stood there dripping wet in the rain, he trusted Christ on the corner underneath a light post. When I got back to my truck, it was 11:59 p.m. I drove home, singing and shouting because God answered my prayers and gave me my soul for the day!

Please keep praying, and even fasting, for our family and our ministry, because your prayers are working! We are seeing God’s blessing like never before and expect to see, in our lifetime, God use our family and ministry to help knock a ginormous “Hole in the Dark” out here in South America!

Xavier Lopez