Simeon Hudson Prayer Letter: Ministry in JerusalemMinistry in “Jerusalem”

Deputation has a way of teaching us not to question why. With July short on meetings, I was glad for the rest. Little did I know that Father had much for us to do in our “Jerusalem” Ministry.
My brother and I have done a good job of taking care of our dad; he was able to live in his own home but was not able to drive. In July, however, it became necessary to find an assisted-living home for him. After a short hospital stay, we found him a very nice place near most of the relatives. I also preached my uncle’s funeral, and one person received the assurance of his salvation.

It’s always exciting to see how our Father works in the lives of the people we talk to. One day out soul winning, we met Andre. He said he was looking for a church. I asked him if he knew Jesus as his personal Saviour, and he said “No.” That day Andre became a child of God by placing his trust in Jesus for salvation.

Michael, a Catholic, thought he had been saved since birth. After showing him what the Bible says about salvation, he repented and believed the Gospel. (Mark 1:14-15) It was a joy to give him a copy of God’s precious Word so he could study it for himself.

We are still working on the paperwork to enter the province of Tucuman. Pray that this will soon be taken care of. Please pray for cheaper airfare.

Lastly, know that we pray for you and are thankful to be partnered with you in reaching the world for Christ’s sake. Believe me, when we get to Heaven, it will be worth it all.

In Christ,

Simeon and Susie Hudson