Simeon Hudson Prayer Letter:  Church-Plant UpdatesBy the grace of God, we continue to serve Him here with you holding the ropes. We thank you for your faithfulness to Him and to our ministry here in Tucuman. We hope all is well in your ministries and lives and continue to pray for you.

As always, we had many opportunities to glorify Him this month. I preached at one of the sister churches that we are helping. This church has grown from approximately 15 to 60 in the last few months. I preached at the work in Ranchillos. This new work does not have a pastor. We will let him name the church when God provides him. I preached to the youth at Be-tel about the Bible being for all generations, and the youth received the message well. The church in Formosa is strong, and the church in La Rioja is stable. This week I will be talking with Pastor Rearte, the pastor at La Rioja, about a special fall meeting. I was involved in the ordination service of Pastor Gomez last September in Santiago del Estero, and he has invited me to preach a three-day conference on the family at the end of August. Please pray for this service. The family is under attack. This is true, I believe, in all countries.

This month Christ saved 2, and we stood silently praying as He saved 10 more. We were praying as Brother Jose led 3 to Christ. After we praised God for the salvations, I noticed a man leaning on a fence close by. Being led by the Spirit to talk to him, I asked him if he had heard the Gospel presentation and understood what the Bible said about how to be saved. He said that he did and that he wanted the free gift of salvation also. Glory to God! No fence can stop His work! We gave 3 the assurance of salvation from His Word, and we gave out 13 Bibles.

Other than Susie’s sinus problems, which are a constant thing here, we have had good health. We are entering the extreme dry season. This is a rough time for her, so please pray that she will not have many problems. Pray for the service in Santiago. Pray for language comprehension. We both speak, read, and write Spanish but struggle with understanding all three. Susie understands them better than I. Thank You, Lord, for the one-flesh principle!

In Christ,

Simeon and Susie Hudson