Simeon Hudson Prayer Letter:  2013 in ReviewHello Pastors and Praying Friends,

The Hudsons begin 2014 with great expectations for your ministries and for our ministry. In 2013, by God’s grace, we saw . . .

• 55 souls led to Christ.
• 10 saved as we stood silently and prayed.
• 23 Bibles given to those who needed the most important Book in the world.
• 18 given the assurance of their salvation from God’s Word.
• 1, that we know of, who received believer’s baptism after getting saved.

This work was accomplished because God did His part, we did our part, and you did your part. We cannot thank you enough for all you do for us so we can fulfill His will for our lives. It is exciting to serve Him in various states with you.

Please continue to pray for souls to be saved, for our health and safety, and for churches to partner with us through prayer and finance. Believe me, when we get to Heaven, it will be worth it all.

In Christ,

Simeon and Susie Hudson