Simeon and Susie Hudson Prayer Letter: Slowly RecoveringWe are thankful that we were able to make the 14-hour drive back to Tucuman from Mendoza. Because of my back injury on August 31, 2021, and it not being a whole lot better, we broke the trip up into two days.

I have had two chiropractic treatments weekly for the month of September, and I have a recommendation for a doctor here in Tucuman. I still can’t stand for more than 15 minutes, but it is a little better. Thank you so much for praying.

Susie has been doing everything because I can’t even go grocery shopping. I just sit in the car and wait for her to return. Susie is doing well. Praise the Lord!

Because of my injury, there isn’t a lot to tell. Praise the Lord, during the last half of September, I was able to teach the Wednesday night services from a chair, and Susie taught the women on Sunday mornings.

In Christ,

Simeon and Susie Hudson