Simeon and Susie Hudson Prayer Letter: He Prepares the Hearts!Happy New Year! I hope your Christmastime was wonderful, celebrating the birth our wonderful Saviour. To be honest, it was hard on us with me not being able to do much. I can’t imagine how people go through this life without a wonderful Saviour.
My appointment with the surgeon isn’t until January 20, 2022. I was able to see a bone/back specialist on December 30, 2021, for a second opinion. After reviewing my MRI, he said there is a 98% chance that I won’t need surgery. He said there is a shot I can take that will alleviate the pain while I wait for the herniated disc to shrink. He was amazed that I had been in pain for four months and had taken no medications other than ibuprofen. Hopefully, he will meet the One I know before my appointments with him are finished, and then he’ll know how it’s done.

Favorite Salvation Story of the Month

As I slowly explained the Gospel to Esmelda while standing in her front yard, I noticed another lady in the doorway. I used a little louder voice, hoping that the other lady could hear clearly. When Esmelda said she wanted to receive Christ as her personal Saviour, I asked the lady in the doorway, “What is your name?” She said, “Grisela.” I asked Grisela if she had heard and understood what I had explained to Esmelda from the Bible. She said that she wanted to receive Christ also! Don’t you just love how the Holy Spirit prepares the heart before we do our part?!

Please continue to pray for our health and safety. We are so blessed to know you and be a part of your lives through Christ.

In Christ,

Simeon and Susie Hudson