Scott Christiansen Prayer Letter: Being Established“But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you . . . .” (II Thessalonians 3:3) We are rejoicing over God’s goodness towards us in these last two months.

June began with finishing up our college’s academic year. On June 12, we had three of our Bible college students graduate. We are very proud of them for their faithfulness to the Lord through the pandemic challenges. The graduation service and reception afterwards will be a memory I will long treasure. In addition, our homeschool ministry saw seven graduate. While the public schools were closed down for over two years, our students were able to continue “on track.” Thank you, Mrs. Kelly DeMoville, for your hard work to keep our children established in their education.

The next week, the DeMoville family traveled back to the USA for a six-week furlough. While they were able to visit family and take advantage of ministry opportunities, our staff and church family “filled in the gaps.” It was good to see how our church has become more established over the last decade, with many who could continue the ministries without problems.

We are now seeing the Lord bless our Sunday services as in the past, with souls saved and baptisms every week. On Thursday evenings, about 40 soul winners go out, and we often see around 100 saved. In June and July, we were blessed to see 19 follow the Lord in believer’s baptism.

I have enjoyed the privilege of writing our church’s Sunday school lessons. In June, we began a new quarter of lessons, entitled Difficult Decisions. We are learning much as we study examples in the Scriptures of those who made decisions under challenging circumstances. I believe our Sunday school ministry is being used to help establish our people.

Our Sunday afternoon teen discipleship, God and Man, is growing again and making a big difference in establishing our young people in a solid walk with God. Over 40 are being discipled and given personal attention by our staff and college students. This August, we expect 7 from this group to begin studies in our Bible college.

I used the summer break in July to make preparations for our college’s new academic year beginning the first week in August. We are encouraged as we look towards working with our returning and new students as they become more established in the ministry.

Thank you for your constant prayers and support, which allow us to help establish others in the Word. God is faithful!

Yours for souls in the Philippines,

Scott Christiansen