Peter and Melody Morris Prayer Letter: Praise the Lord for Good Medical HelpIt has been an eventful month, to say the least. God has been working as usual, with our last Pastors’ Practical Training Academy finishing well. The pastors returned to their homes with a list of home assignments and an enthusiasm to make godly changes to their churches in many areas, including certain doctrine, music, and church practice. Some of the pastors are reexamining their Statements of Faith and Constitutions.

We had set a date to have the next one-week session of the PPTA when I became ill with some sort of mysterious infection that they have yet to diagnose or establish the source. The best they could do was call it sepsis or a bacterial blood infection. The first case meant I was in the hospital for a week on antibiotics and other various intravenous medications. I deferred the start of the academy for two weeks. A week later, things became more dramatic when Melody took me back to the hospital at 5:00 a.m. with a high temperature, low blood pressure, and my lips and fingernails turning blue. I woke up in the Critical Care Unit with about 10 medical staff yelling directions to each other. The doctor asked me how I was doing. I said, “I don’t know. How am I doing?” He said, “You are in septic shock. We thought we might lose you, but we have the team here now, so you will be okay. You have a very low blood pressure.” I asked, “How low?” He said, “53 over 20.” My CRP marker should have been between 0-5, but it was 370. Another marker that measures water around the heart and lungs was 3,550 when it should have been less than 400 unless you are having heart failure. It took another week in hospital to recover. Surprisingly, it is now a week after the second episode, and I appear to be somewhat back to normal. They tell me after the MRIs, CT scans, endoscopy, etc. that my heart is goodno blockages. All this to say, God is good, and I thank all of you who prayed for me and brought my need before a wonderful God.

I was blessed with the opportunity to lead a number of the medical staff through the Gospel, with some receiving Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Others, who though they did not get saved, did not shut the door from further discussions. It was encouraging to think they had moved a little closer to understanding the Gospel and the saving grace of Jesus Christ. They now have a Gospel tract they can refer to when needed.

We have now rescheduled the next session of the academy to start November 29. Please pray that there will be no further holdups as we look to train these pastors in the truths found in God’s Word for the sake of the lost and for those who would teach others also. One of the blessings I have received through these challenges is the increased communication with Kenyan pastors and their concern for my health and the future of the academy. They are discovering that they have gaps in their knowledge that we are helping to fill for the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are recognizing they are learning truth that they need to pastor a church and lead their people with integrity. Praise the Lord!

One of the issues I am teaching on is “How to Get a Blessing Through Obedience to God’s Word.” Please pray that they will grow in knowledge and understanding so they will consistently tithe of their increase, helping them to become independent of the missionary and reliant on a God Who has promised to meet their needs.

Please pray, as we are paying for the pastors’ transport to the PPTA, as well as their food and accommodations in the short- term. This is so we can have them under some intensive training for a week every four to six weeks. I am praying that over a relatively short time, they will see their need of serious training and study to fulfill the role of pastor, which God has called them to do. I have explained to them on a number of occasions that as a pastor, they will be held accountable by God for what they have done and will do. Of course, topics like salvation, eternal security, baptism, the Word of God, how to lead a person to Christ, how to disciple converts, and how to worship God in spiritual songs and hymns are of paramount importance.

Please continue to pray for our Lord to raise up men of integrity who will answer the calling of God on their lives and will take the truth to the people of Kenya.

I am also hoping to take a trip up-country after PPTA to encourage those pastors who are trying to start their own local Training Academies for their churches to help as well as their local pastors who need the training so desperately.

Thank you for your faithful support, both financially and in prayer. We greatly appreciate your partnering with us as we take the Gospel to Kenya and endeavor to teach others to do likewise.

Your missionaries and co-laborers in Christ,

Peter, Melody, and Lindsay Morris

PS. Please note that our mailing address has changed to the following:

7820 Independence Street
Merrillville, IN 46410
United States

Our contact information has also changed to the following:
+ (Local USA)
+254.748.814.206 (Kenya)