Paul Sock Prayer Letter:  Help WantedFor the past month, I have been very busy working with Peter. Peter is a new believer God placed in my path a few months ago. Since I met Peter, we have been having our weekly Thursday evening meetings, our Sunday meetings, and preparing for our Sunday evenings. Peter is helping to design a first-class website for our church here in Warsaw. He is also writing a Gospel tract and invitation to our church. He and I have been going soul winning together twice a week. He is very zealous for the Lord.

God used a Polish Catholic priest to get Peter to read Matthew 5 before his marriage to Marta, his wife. After reading the Bible, he started seeking more Bible teaching and preaching, which led him to go outside the Catholic church to a neighboring Baptist church. It was there that he came to know the Lord and was baptized. The Lord then led him to us when I met him while I was passing out tracts.

For several months Peter had already been having weekly meetings in his house with some young men and women. We have now started working intensely together. What an answer to years of prayers and labor!

Peter preached his first message in church this past Sunday (10 January) from I Corinthians 13 about loving God. He invited his cousin to come hear him speak. On Sunday morning, not only did his cousin come, but we were pleasantly surprised when in the door came three of his cousins (all boys), his uncle and aunt, and then a few minutes later, his mother. At the close of the message, I followed up with John 3 about being born again. Though no one was saved, one cousin had strong eye contact with me and seemed to nod while I spoke, and undoubtedly, the Gospel was sown deeply in all their hearts. It has been said that it takes up to six times for a Polish Catholic to hear the Gospel to really understand it. With man it seems impossible, but with God we know all things are possible.

A young lady from Mexico is also attending our services right now. She is very faithful and a real encouragement. We have had different people from around the world attend our church through the years, and they really are a joy to have.

A young man recently said he would like to pray and receive God’s gift of salvation, which he did. Then the police came to us and asked what we were doing and if the young man minded us talking to him. He told them that he did not, so the police left. Praise the Lord! This young man really wanted to hear.

Winter weather is here, with below-zero temperatures and snow covering the landscape. The weather may slow us down a little, but it doesn’t stop us. The ministry continues by God’s grace. Please keep praying for our health and safety and for many Polish souls to come to the knowledge of the truth.

More than conquerors,

Paul and Jolie Sock