Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter: Another Breakthrough Into the Muslim World!IRAN

God has blessed us with another breakthrough into the Muslim world! Thanks to the contacts of M___, a dear Persian friend, I have begun weekly preaching meetings into Iran, where I give the Gospel and preach the Bible through an encrypted app that reaches people in group settings. M___ translates into Farsi as I share the Good News with these hungry people. Technology has again opened a door into a closed country, where even Google is not allowed. A number of the people who attend are already saved, but all are in need of sound doctrine. They also bring seekers with them on a regular basis!


June saw us in New England, where I preached at four churches in Maine and one in New York. God blessed us as we reported to supporting churches and a new church as well. We’ve seen 3 trust Christ in the last 30 days, and we’ve seen 1 man baptized! J___ and I got to go back to a special restaurant in New Hampshire where I proposed to her years ago; in fact, we sat in the exact same booth! I was so nervous on the night I proposed; I remember accidentally tucking the tablecloth into my pants and nearly dumping our dinners into her lap when I stood up. Moving on . . .


• Please pray for our new outreach into Egypt and Iran (more details on developments next month).
• We have a new online video Bible study going into Morocco. Please pray for H___ and A___ A__, who just registered. Please pray for God’s Spirit to work.
• Please pray for A___, whom we believe is close to salvation, as well as K___, K___, R___, J____, and A___ in Afghanistan.

Hello, this is A___! This has been a very exciting month for me! I was able to go to my very first Youth Conference at First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana. It was one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me! There were all kinds of games, skits, and wonderful preaching. During the week, a lot of sermons spoke to my heart, and I made several decisions. My biggest decision was to surrender to full-time Christian service for the Lord! I am so happy. Please pray for me as God helps me with these decisions going forward. I love you all very much! Your MK, A___ F___.

We thank God for you in our prayers,

M6505 and Family