Missionary #6020 Prayer Letter:  Thankful for His Many Blessings on Our LivesWe are thanking God for the many blessings He has sent our way recently. Here are a few that we’d like to share from this last month.

In November, I was able to go with Mr. P___ to Africa to learn from many missionaries and from a great group of believers. This trip was an encouragement to both of us. Two special blessings while we were there were the time spent giving the Good News to people on the street and getting to share from the Book with the young people in the Christian school. While we were gone, Mr. W___ was able to share at the Sunday morning meeting at our home. This was a blessing to both him and the people who heard.

After returning to China, we hosted three different Thanksgiving parties. In the Monday night meeting at a shoe factory, many new people were able to hear the Good News. Please pray for those who have heard but have yet to accept.
In our meeting, our hearts have been very encouraged by Mrs. J___, who recently completed a discipleship course. This week, Mrs. J___ began teaching another young lady from our meeting. The young lady later shared with us how much it is already helping her. Thanks be to our Father for the work He is doing in people’s hearts!

This last Sunday, we had a very special visitor. My wife met a beggar lady over a year ago. This lady was receptive to her acts of kindness and was even willing to visit our house. Unfortunately, though, we had not seen her for a long time. This last week, my wife and our children saw her again and were able to spend time together. My wife invited her to our house, and she came to the Sunday morning meeting! After the service, I talked with her about Jesus. She said she did accept Him and told us about a friend in her hometown who is a believer who had spent years trying to teach her about God. Please pray for her to continue to come and to grow.

Please pray for Y___ and her husband. They are expecting a baby, but the baby is having complications. Please pray that our Father would keep Y___ and the baby healthy for His glory!

Also, pray for many people in the meetings here who have questions and decisions that need to be made regarding their personal relationships. Please pray for strong marriages, wise choices, and eternal spiritual perspectives.

Thank you for your prayers, love, and support! Thank you for your service to Him where you are. We thank our Father for all of you, brothers and sisters!

That all the earth may know,

Missionary #6020 and Family