Micah Christiansen Prayer Letter: A Joke Turned to GoodSeptember is a rainy time of year, but it does not usually rain on Sunday morning. In fact, I can only remember one time in the past 3½ years that it rained during one of our Sunday morning services. But this September, it rained twice during our morning services! September was our church’s Visitors’ Month, and when it rains on Sunday morning, church attendance is usually badly affected since most people walk for 5 to 15 minutes to reach the main road and get public transportation to where they are going. However, we had a good response to our Visitors’ Month in spite of the rain!

While the weather may do unexpected things, one thing is going as expected. Abbie and I are excited to announce that we are expecting our third child to be born in April 2021!

In our last prayer letter, I asked you to pray that we would be able to have children’s Sunday school and children’s church again. While social-distancing requirements still prevent us from having space for our children’s Sunday school classes, we have been able to start children’s church again! Thank you for your prayers! We have started a Bible-reading program for the children. Please pray that many of our children would begin to develop a personal relationship with God through this program.

I also asked you to pray for our Pastors’ Seminar in August. Almost 100 pastors and assistants from all over Ghana attended the seminar. Pastor Speer taught on exposing false doctrine. I believe the seminar was a great help and encouragement to many of the men. I know it helped me! One of the sessions was about helping our people not to fear dreams. Many people in Ghana believe that dreams are sent by God to warn them when others are planning evil against them, and it causes much fear and contention. After the seminar, Manass, a convert of mine from over a year ago, called me. I had lost contact with him, but he still had my number. He called me and asked me to pray for him because of some dreams he was having. I told him that I wanted to meet with him. A few days later, I was able to use the notes from the seminar to help Manass stop fearing his dreams. I was also able to use that opportunity to start working on getting Manass to church again. Please pray that God would work in Manass’ life, as I believe he does have a desire to serve God.

Please pray for our church’s radio ministry. We are going on different radio stations and preaching the Gospel for three months at a time. Please pray for many people to listen, understand the Gospel, and believe in Jesus.

Fruit to Your Account

One Saturday morning, my soul-winning partner Alfred and I were standing at an intersection when a man starting yelling at us in Twi. I could tell by his demeanor that he was goofing around. Alfred told me the man was calling for us to come give him the Gospel. It was obvious the man wasn’t being serious, so I almost walked away. However, he was being very persistent, and I thought that while this man might mean it for a joke, perhaps God had other plans. I went to the man, who instantly gathered three very unwilling friends to listen to us. However, one of those friends, Stephen, quickly became interested. He had a hard time believing that his works could not save him, but about two hours after we started, he chose to trust Jesus alone for salvation! His friend meant it as a joke, but God meant it for his eternal good!

Yours for souls,

Micah Christiansen