Micah Christiansen Prayer Letter:  A Favorite Soul-Winning ExperienceAugust and September were busy months filled with many miles of traveling, but they were exciting months! In August I had the privilege of being ordained by the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. Paul and Barnabas were ordained by the church in Antioch before their first missionary journey, and I am honored that my sending church did the same for me before we go to Ghana.

Abbie and I got to present the ministry in Ghana to churches in California and Arizona during September. It was the first time I had ever been farther west than Eastern Texas, and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to see the beauty of the Southwest. Abbie and I took the time to stop at the Grand Canyon and stayed until the sun went down. What an impressive display of God’s power! New Mexico was my favorite state for drive-through scenery. It was a blessing that, as we visited some wonderful churches and made new friends on deputation, we could also enjoy the journey!

My favorite soul-winning experience of the last two months happened during a missions conference in Kentucky. As I went out door to door with some people from the church, my partner and I met Trenia, who was wide open to the Gospel. She had seen the church van go by as it dropped us off, and she had gone inside to write down the church’s name and phone number. She had just moved into the area, and she was wanting to find a church to attend. When I asked Trenia if she knew for sure that she was going to Heaven, she replied that she felt sure because she had lived a pretty good life and tried to follow God’s path. As Trenia allowed me to show her some Bible verses, I got to show her that we can never live a good enough life or follow God’s path well enough to get to Heaven. It was so much fun to see the amazement and excitement on her face as she realized for the first time that Jesus’ payment for her sin was all that she needed to go to Heaven. She knelt by the sofa and prayed, trusting in Jesus alone for salvation. That was exciting enough, but she came and visited the church that night during the missions conference! The church welcomed Trenia with open arms, and she really enjoyed herself. Please pray for Trenia’s Christian growth.

Abbie and I have been watching our support grow, and we are arriving at the exciting point where getting to Ghana is almost within reach. Our target time to leave for Ghana is January 2017, and if we have a productive fall, we should be able to leave then. We have already packed three barrels, which are beginning the slow trip to Ghana, so what we need most should already be there when we arrive. Please pray; we only need about six more churches to take us on for support! Thank you for holding us up in your prayers.

Yours for souls,

Micah Christiansen