Mark Tossell Prayer Letter:  The Instruction, Mentoring, and Training BeginsGREAT NEWS:  Gus Battistuzzi, the man whom I mentored and ordained as my associate, has been voted in as pastor at the church we planted, Lighthouse Baptist Church. Gus is a gifted, godly leader, and I believe that he will do a wonderful job.

My book tours in the United States and Australia were extremely successful, thank God. I was very busy, speaking in 16 churches in 9 states from California to Maine, taking more than 20 flights. Phew! God worked, for which I am thankful, and His hand of blessing is upon my book, Hope, Help and Healing for the Depressed.

I am thankful for God’s hand of blessing, as I was the keynote speaker last week at a church conference in Adelaide, South Australia. I was enabled to preach five times and sit on two discussion panels. It was a blessed time of fellowship and instruction. Two lost men attended these meetings and heard the Gospel clearly presented, both publicly and in private as we spoke with them. Please pray for them to be saved.

We do have some important prayer requests. Thank you for praying!

• Pray for Pastor Gus and his family – Corinne, Kayley, and Gabriel.
• Pray for me as I now begin the instruction, mentoring, and training up of pastors. Please pray for the men whom I will be training.
• Pray for souls to be saved and established in the faith here in Western Sydney.
• Pray for Christina’s and Adam’s health, which have been fragile.
• Pray for me as I publish a new book, Words of Encouragement for the Weary Soul.
• Pray for our ministry and personal needs, as our support has dropped to near 50%.

We are so grateful for your support and prayers.

Your fellow labourers in Australia,

Mark, Christina, and Adam