Mark Rader Prayer Letter: Our Church's First Missions TripWe started off the month of August with a fun family project—making grape juice from scratch for our Lord’s Supper because we could not find any on the shelves. On Monday of the second full week of August, we started our new institute. This institute is the initial stage of our seminary here in Lima. The first night, we had 30 in attendance from 5 different churches. Three men from our church are studying to serve the Lord full-time. From Tuesday to Friday, our church took its first missions trip, which was also a survey trip for my brother-in-law, Joseph Hembrough, who is preparing to come to Iquitos as a missionary. That week we preached in schools and saw many saved. We led a Youth Conference on the subjects of Creation and Christian service. We were also able to make plans with the pastors for future events in their cities. We ended that full week by having 30 of our married adults come on Saturday for a four-hour institute study on marriage. During the month of August, one of our greatest blessings was seeing key men in our church step up for the challenge of helping with the future.

The last week of August, we were able to take a missions trip to Arequipa with Pastor Foust to help with a four-hour workshop for pastors on soul winning and starting soul-winning programs. Thirty pastors were in attendance, and they were greatly encouraged. The future looks good for going back to Arequipa.

After much preparation and participation by many of our membership, our church was privileged to host our team’s Pastors’ Conference. All the members of Team Peru and many from each of our churches participated to make this event a success. Our auditorium was filled with pastors, leaders, and their wives for 2½ days of teaching, training, and great preaching by Pastor Jonathan Ashcraft of Monterrey, Mexico, and Pastor Andres Gomez of Hammond, Indiana. Our themes were family, faith, and fire. Many voiced the encouragement they received. The last evening, 23 souls surrendered to full-time Christian service, including 5 from our church.

Many are rising to the challenge of service in our church. On Saturdays, 15 of our members are participating in preaching on public buses, preaching in nursing homes, soul winning in parks, and soul winning in hospitals. We are very blessed to lead a church that is obedient to the Great Commission.

Please pray for our church’s institute and now for our team’s institute for full-time Christian servants. Please pray for my brother-in-law, Joseph Hembrough, as he begins his missionary journey. Please pray for our church’s future in missions giving and in venturing out in person to help other regions of Peru. We are praying for a Macedonian church, and God is already beginning to bless. Please pray for safe travels, as our family will be visiting the States in October and November to visit with our family and to visit as many supporting churches as possible.

Thank you so much for loving the Lord and for having a heart for the lost of Peru. Thank you for your prayers for our family and our ministry. God is doing marvelous works before our eyes. Thank you for your love, support, and prayers. God bless you.

In Christ in Peru

Mark, Sarah, Savannah, Paul, Samuel, & Rebekah Rader